Refactor ToolBase to allow tool composition. Add TableSync tool (composited). Move more tools under pgtool.
from pgtoolkit.toolbase import SimpleTool
from pgtoolkit import pgbrowser
from pycolib.ansicolor import highlight, WHITE, YELLOW, RED, BOLD
class ListSerialTool(SimpleTool):
"""List sequences near to overflow.
Checks all sequences attached to a column of type integer.
Highlight dangerous values of sequence:
* Yellow - near overflow (90%)
* Red - already over...
Does not list sequences with value under 50% of range.
max_int = 2147483647
def __init__(self):
SimpleTool.__init__(self, name='listserial')
def main(self):
conn = self.pgm.get_conn('target')
browser = pgbrowser.PgBrowser(conn)
rows = browser.list_sequences()
sequences = []
for row in rows:
if row['related_column_type'] == 'integer':
# read sequence attributes like last_value
q = 'SELECT * FROM "%s"."%s"' % (row['sequence_schema'], row['sequence_name'])
curs = conn.cursor()
attrs = curs.fetchone_dict()
# skip this sequence if its cycled and has safe max_value
if attrs['is_cycled'] and attrs['max_value'] <= self.max_int:
# skip sequences with last_value not yet in half of max_int
if attrs['last_value'] < self.max_int / 2:
# remember rest of sequences
row['attrs'] = attrs
# sort most dangerous on top
sequences.sort(key=lambda x: x['attrs']['last_value'], reverse=True)
# print out what we've found
for seq in sequences:
print('Sequence:', seq['sequence_schema'] + '.' + seq['sequence_name'])
print(' Related:', seq['sequence_schema'] + '.' + seq['related_table'], seq['related_column'], '(' + seq['related_column_type'] + ')')
print(' integer max', '2147483647')
# colorize last value
last_val = seq['attrs']['last_value']
col = WHITE + BOLD
if last_val > self.max_int * 0.9:
# near max
if last_val > self.max_int:
# over max
col = RED + BOLD
print(' last_value', highlight(1, col) + str(last_val) + highlight(0))
for key in ('min_value', 'max_value', 'is_cycled'):
print(' ', key, seq['attrs'][key])
cls = ListSerialTool