PgManager, MyManager: Change log level of SQL queries to debug. Fix MyManager: Wrong query logged when exception occurs.
TESTING=======All test should work at least with Python 2.7 and 3.2How to test-----------1. copy pgtoolkit.conf.example to pgtoolkit.conf, modify it so it points to your test database2. create test tables using sql/tests.sql3. run tests.pyPostgreSQL----------CREATE ROLE test LOGIN PASSWORD 'test';CREATE DATABASE test;\c test\i sql/tests.sqlMySQL-----CREATE USER 'test'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'test';GRANT all ON test.* TO 'test'@'%';CREATE DATABASE test;USE test;CREATE TABLE test( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id))ENGINE=InnoDB CHARSET=utf8;