author Radek Brich <>
Tue, 06 May 2014 18:37:41 +0200
changeset 100 d6088dba8fea
parent 79 d02a36d0a9b0
child 104 d8ff52a0390f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add pgtool wrapper for all tools. Only this script will be installed into system bin.


PgManager is higher level database adapter for Python and Postgres. There is also MyManager for MySQL. Both are part of `pgtoolkit <>`_.

PgManager offers following convenience functionality over psycopg:

* **Save and reuse database connection parameters**

  - parameters are linked to uniquely named ConnectionInfo structure

  - using this identifier, you can retrieve Connection or Cursor object at any time
    (new database connection is established when needed)

* **Connection pooling**

  - connections with same identifier are pooled and reused

* **Easy query using the with statement**

  - just use cursor() method in with statement

  - PgManager will get a connection from pool, make cursor and clean up when you're finished

* **Dictionary rows**

  - cursor has additional methods like fetchall_dict(), which
    returns OrderedDict row instead of ordinary list-like row

Basic usage


  from pgtoolkit import pgmanager

  pgm = pgmanager.get_instance()
  pgm.create_conn(hostaddr='', dbname='postgres', isolation_level='autocommit')

  with pgm.cursor() as curs:
      curs.execute('SELECT now() AS now')
      row = curs.fetchone_dict()

Advanced usage

Study this when you cannot go with basic usage and need to know what actually happens.
Look also into source code, there are many details described in docstrings::

  # create new connection info, this will not connect yet
  pgm.create_conn(name='thatdb', hostaddr='', dbname='postgres')

  # borrow connection from pool (it will connect to DB here and possibly fail)
  conn = pgm.get_conn('thatdb')

      # do stuff on that connection
      curs = conn.cursor()
      curs.execute('SELECT now() AS now')
      row = curs.fetchone_dict()
      # don't forget to commit when not in autocommit mode
      # return connection back to pool
      # Beware: name must be correct here, it'll not be checked!
      pgm.put_conn(conn, 'thatdb')

  # close all connections in pool


PgManager logs all queries before they are executed, exceptions while executing
queries and also notices.
Queries and exceptions are logged into 'pgmanager_sql' logger,
notices into 'pgmanager_notices'. You need to setup logging for
these loggers to send messages into file or elsewhere.

Notices are logged only from cursor() method.
If you are using get_conn() instead, you must call log_notices() directly.

Listen - Notify

PostgreSQL supports asynchronous messages from server to clients.
This adds little more complexity to client programs but saves a lot of polling.

You should not use connection info created by create_conn() for LISTEN queries.
It will work in basic case, but it will broke when you add some sort of parallelism.

Use create_conn_listen instead. It allows to copy connection info parameters directly from another connection info or set up new one::

  # create connection info without pool and with initial query 'LISTEN CHAT;'
  pgm.create_conn_listen(name='listenconn', channel='CHAT', copy_dsn='thatdb')

  while not done:
      notify = pgm.wait_for_notify('listenconn', timeout=5.0)
      if notify:
          print('NOTIFY:', notify)



In production, it's very important to set reasonable timeouts for both connection
and query execution. Application should not freeze when database server gets out of reach.

Both timeouts can be set using :meth:`create_conn`::

  pgm.create_conn(host='', dbname='test',
                  init_statement='SET statement_timeout TO 20000;',  # in ms, so it's 20s
                  connect_timeout=20,                                # also 20s


.. autoclass:: pgtoolkit.pgmanager.PgManager