Fix PgDataDiff.
authorRadek Brich <>
Thu, 13 Dec 2012 16:07:13 +0100 (2012-12-13)
changeset 54 291473ab847c
parent 53 4a049a5af657
child 55 adc1615d8fc5
Fix PgDataDiff.
--- a/pgtoolkit/	Tue Dec 11 11:25:06 2012 +0100
+++ b/pgtoolkit/	Thu Dec 13 16:07:13 2012 +0100
@@ -36,31 +36,31 @@
         '*' : BOLD | YELLOW,
         'V' : BOLD | WHITE,
         'K' : BOLD | BLUE}
     def __init__(self, change, cols1, cols2, key=None):
         change - one of '+', '-', '*' (add, remove, update)
         cols1 - original column values (OrderedDict)
         cols2 - new column values (OrderedDict)
         key - primary key columns (OrderedDict)
         self.change = change
         self.cols1 = cols1
         self.cols2 = cols2
         self.key = key
     def format(self):
         out = []
         out.append(highlight(1, self.COLORS[self.change]))
         out.extend([self.change, ' '])
         return ''.join(out)
     def format_patch(self, table):
@@ -68,16 +68,16 @@
             '+' : self._format_insert,
             '-' : self._format_delete,
             '*' : self._format_update}
         return method[self.change](table)
-    def _format_changes(self):        
+    def _format_changes(self):
         if self.cols1 and not self.cols2:
             return [', '.join([self._format_value_del(*x) for x in self.cols1.items()])]
         if not self.cols1 and self.cols2:
             return [', '.join([self._format_value_add(*x) for x in self.cols2.items()])]
-        out = []        
+        out = []
         if self.key:
             for colname in self.key:
                 out.extend([highlight(1, self.COLORS['*']), colname, ': ', highlight(0), self.key[colname], ', '])
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
         out.extend([', '.join([self._format_value_change(*x) for x in items])])
         return out
     def _format_value_del(self, k, v):
@@ -97,12 +97,12 @@
         return fs.format(k, v)
     def _format_value_add(self, k, v):
-        fs = (highlight(1, self.COLORS['+']) + '{}: ' + highlight(0) + 
+        fs = (highlight(1, self.COLORS['+']) + '{}: ' + highlight(0) +
             highlight(1, self.COLORS['V']) + '{}' + highlight(0))
         return fs.format(k, v)
     def _format_value_change(self, k, v1, v2):
-        fs = (highlight(1, self.COLORS['*']) + '{}: ' + highlight(0) + 
+        fs = (highlight(1, self.COLORS['*']) + '{}: ' + highlight(0) +
             '{} ▶ ' +
             highlight(1, self.COLORS['V']) + '{}' + highlight(0))
         return fs.format(k, v1, v2)
@@ -114,12 +114,12 @@
         out.append(', '.join(self.cols2.values()))
         return ''.join(out)
     def _format_delete(self, table):
         out = ['DELETE FROM ', table]
-        out.extend(self._format_where()) 
+        out.extend(self._format_where())
         return ''.join(out)
     def _format_update(self, table):
         out = ['UPDATE ', table, ' SET ']
         out.append(', '.join([self._format_set(*x) for x in self.cols2.items()]))
@@ -143,36 +143,36 @@
         self.conn2 = conn2
         self.fulltable1 = None
         self.fulltable2 = None
     def settable1(self, table, schema='public'):
         self.schema1 = schema
         self.table1 = table
         self.fulltable1 = '"' + schema + '"."'+ table + '"'
     def settable2(self, table, schema='public'):
         self.schema2 = schema
         self.table2 = table
         self.fulltable2 = '"' + schema + '"."'+ table + '"'
     def iter_diff(self):
         '''Return differencies between data of two tables.
         Yields one line at the time.
         curs1, curs2 = self._select()
         row1 = curs1.fetchone_dict()
         row2 = curs2.fetchone_dict()
         while True:
             if row1 is None and row2 is None:
             diff = self._compare_row(row1, row2, curs1.adapt, curs2.adapt)
             if diff:
                 yield diff
                 if diff.change == '-':
                     row1 = curs1.fetchone_dict()
@@ -182,70 +182,70 @@
             # change == '*' or not diff
             row1 = curs1.fetchone_dict()
             row2 = curs2.fetchone_dict()
     def print_diff(self):
         '''Print differencies between data of two tables.
         The output is in human readable form.
         Set allowcolor=True of PgDataDiff instance to get colored output.
         for ln in self.iter_diff():
     def print_patch(self):
         '''Print SQL script usable as patch for destination table.
         Supports INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE operations.
         for ln in self.iter_diff():
     def _select(self):
         browser = pgbrowser.PgBrowser(self.conn1)
         columns = browser.list_columns(schema=self.schema1, table=self.table1, order=1)
         if not columns:
             raise Exception('Table %s.%s not found.' % (self.schema1, self.table1))
         columns_sel = ', '.join(['"' + x['name'] + '"' for x in columns])
         self.colnames = [x['name'] for x in columns]
         pkey = [ind for ind in browser.list_indexes(schema=self.schema1, table=self.table1) if ind['primary']]
         if not pkey:
             raise Exception('Table %s.%s has no primary key.' % (self.schema1, self.table1))
         pkey = pkey[0]
         pkey_sel = ', '.join(['"' + x + '"' for x in pkey['columns']])
         self.pkeycolnames = pkey['columns']
         query1 = 'SELECT ' + columns_sel + ' FROM ' + self.fulltable1 + ' ORDER BY ' + pkey_sel
         query2 = 'SELECT ' + columns_sel + ' FROM ' + self.fulltable2 + ' ORDER BY ' + pkey_sel
         curs1 = self.conn1.cursor('curs1')
         curs2 = self.conn2.cursor('curs2')
         return curs1, curs2
     def _compare_data(self, row1, row2):
         cols1 = OrderedDict()
         cols2 = OrderedDict()
-        for name in row1:
+        for name in row1.keys():
             if row1[name] != row2[name]:
                 cols1[name] = row1[name]
                 cols2[name] = row2[name]
         if cols1:
             key = OrderedDict(zip(self.pkeycolnames, [row1[colname] for colname in self.pkeycolnames]))
             return DiffData('*', cols1, cols2, key=key)
         return None
     def _compare_row(self, row1, row2, adapt1, adapt2):
         if row2 is None:
             row1 = adapt1(row1)
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
         if row1 is None:
             row2 = adapt2(row2)
             return DiffData('+', None, row2)
         for keyname in self.pkeycolnames:
             if row1[keyname] < row2[keyname]:
                 row1 = adapt1(row1)
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
             if row1[keyname] > row2[keyname]:
                 row2 = adapt2(row2)
                 return DiffData('+', None, row2)
         row1 = adapt1(row1)
         row2 = adapt2(row2)
         return self._compare_data(row1, row2)
--- a/pgtoolkit/	Tue Dec 11 11:25:06 2012 +0100
+++ b/pgtoolkit/	Thu Dec 13 16:07:13 2012 +0100
@@ -142,6 +142,9 @@
     def keys(self):
         return self._dict.keys()
+    def values(self):
+        return self._dict.values()
 class Cursor(psycopg2.extensions.cursor):
@@ -184,13 +187,13 @@
     def adapt(self, row):
         if isinstance(row, RowDict):
             # dict
-            adapted = RowDict()
+            adapted = dict()
             for key in row.keys():
                 adapted[key] = self.mogrify('%s', [row[key]]).decode('utf8')
+            return RowDict(adapted)
             # list
-            adapted = [self.mogrify('%s', [x]).decode('utf8') for x in row]
-        return adapted
+            return [self.mogrify('%s', [x]).decode('utf8') for x in row]
     def fetchone_adapted(self, lstrip=None):
         '''Like fetchone_dict() but values are quoted for direct inclusion in SQL query.