Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Wed, 09 Apr 2008 16:51:14 +0200] rev 63
add many SCons targets (see DEVNOTES)
make automatic model downloading work again
remove Makefiles -- now obsolete and hardly maintainable
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Wed, 09 Apr 2008 11:35:59 +0200] rev 62
more SConscript tweaking, make model preparation work again
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Wed, 09 Apr 2008 00:29:11 +0200] rev 61
minor SConscript tweaking
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Tue, 08 Apr 2008 01:05:12 +0200] rev 60
moving to SCons build system
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Fri, 04 Apr 2008 13:54:47 +0200] rev 59
add color support to lwo reader
python binding for Camera
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Fri, 04 Apr 2008 01:55:25 +0200] rev 58
new python demo: car.py
new model format reader: LightWave lwo
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Sat, 29 Mar 2008 18:01:45 +0100] rev 57
new python demo: boxes
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Sat, 29 Mar 2008 17:54:27 +0100] rev 56
fix sphere transmissivity, rename demo.py to spheres_glass.py
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Sat, 29 Mar 2008 12:09:50 +0100] rev 55
fix bugs
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Sat, 29 Mar 2008 10:56:56 +0100] rev 54
more raytrace_worker optimization and cleaning
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Sat, 29 Mar 2008 02:17:22 +0100] rev 53
slighly optimized raytrace_worker
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Fri, 28 Mar 2008 23:30:04 +0100] rev 52
new implementation of sample_queue
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Fri, 28 Mar 2008 21:47:32 +0100] rev 51
remove debug messages - algorithm seems stable, but it's slow
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Fri, 28 Mar 2008 17:13:21 +0100] rev 50
rewritten threads with heavy debug information
disabling pthreads library will not be possible any more
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Fri, 28 Mar 2008 00:53:20 +0100] rev 49
workaround for divide by zero bug in octree
enable oversampling for DefaultSampler
sampler and camera performance enhancements
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Wed, 26 Mar 2008 17:03:38 +0100] rev 48
begin moving subsampling and oversampling to Sampler
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Wed, 26 Mar 2008 14:29:21 +0100] rev 47
move Sampler classes to sampler.cc
fix demos, make whole project compilable again
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Wed, 26 Mar 2008 00:52:27 +0100] rev 46
new Sampler object
replacing rendering algorithm with more flexible one -- this breaks most of demos and disables threads and (over-/sub-)sampling functionality, need a rewrote
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Wed, 19 Mar 2008 17:18:59 +0100] rev 45
note for new camera classes
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Thu, 03 Jan 2008 18:06:34 +0100] rev 44
MIT license for sources
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Sun, 30 Dec 2007 00:11:47 +0100] rev 43
memory optimization for octree
fixed some visual artifacts in textures C++ demo and set ambient occlussion for rendering (-r)
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Sat, 29 Dec 2007 13:53:33 +0100] rev 42
cleaned Texture interface
new C++ demo: textures
slightly adjusted SAH for kd-tree
slightly optimized kd-tree building -- moved termination cond. so it's tested before recursion
minor sphere intersection optimization
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Tue, 18 Dec 2007 12:36:01 +0100] rev 41
fix possible division by zero in ccdemos/common_ply.h
don't use DEFS variable in makefiles, just add it to CCFLAGS
compile float version of libs with -fsingle-precision-constant
Radek Brich <radek.brich@devl.cz> [Mon, 17 Dec 2007 22:03:50 +0100] rev 40
Makefile: added help and distclean target, plus small fixes
print fps to window caption instead of console
update and key callbacks
fixed segfault when resizing window
pressing c now causes print out of camera coordinates
ccdemos/spheres_shadow.cc: controlling position of a light and focal length of camera