2008-05-06 Radek Brich more build script tuning pyrit
2008-05-05 Radek Brich add MSVC compiler support, make it default for Windows pyrit
2008-05-02 Radek Brich packetize Phong shader pyrit
2008-04-27 Radek Brich BBox - RayPacket intersection pyrit
2008-04-27 Radek Brich prepare kd-tree traversal for packet tracing (4 rays at once) pyrit
2008-04-24 Radek Brich vectorize makeRayPacket() using SSE intrinsics pyrit
2008-04-24 Radek Brich prepare structures for packet tracing pyrit
2008-04-23 Radek Brich remove forgotten noise.h includes pyrit
2008-04-23 Radek Brich material and texture classes moved to material.(cc,h) pyrit
2008-04-23 Radek Brich move shapes to extra source file pyrit
2008-04-20 Radek Brich correct camera angle of view pyrit
2008-04-20 Radek Brich kd-tree building - check all axes for best split, add additional shape-bbox check pyrit
2008-04-14 Radek Brich move "smooth" attribute from Triangle to Material pyrit
2008-04-07 Radek Brich moving to SCons build system pyrit
2008-03-29 Radek Brich slighly optimized raytrace_worker pyrit
2008-03-28 Radek Brich rewritten threads with heavy debug information pyrit
2008-03-27 Radek Brich workaround for divide by zero bug in octree pyrit
2008-03-26 Radek Brich move Sampler classes to pyrit
2008-03-25 Radek Brich Doxygen pyrit
2008-01-03 Radek Brich MIT license for sources pyrit
2007-12-29 Radek Brich cleaned Texture interface pyrit
2007-12-17 Radek Brich Makefile: added help and distclean target, plus small fixes pyrit
2007-12-14 Radek Brich realtime_dragon demo: now fullsize model + octree pyrit
2007-12-12 Radek Brich new virtual Shape::intersect_bbox pyrit
2007-12-09 Radek Brich quaternion moved to extra header file pyrit
2007-12-09 Radek Brich refraction pyrit
2007-12-08 Radek Brich smooth triangles (aka Phong shading) pyrit
2007-12-07 Radek Brich tuned ray-triangle intersection, now there are three algorithms to choose from: pyrit
2007-12-05 Radek Brich new C++ demo: pyrit
2007-12-03 Radek Brich new make infrastructure pyrit
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