2008-04-21 | Radek Brich | unify capitalization of method names in C++ and Python | file | diff | annotate |
2008-04-20 | Radek Brich | kd-tree building - check all axes for best split, add additional shape-bbox check | file | diff | annotate |
2008-04-14 | Radek Brich | move "smooth" attribute from Triangle to Material | file | diff | annotate |
2008-04-10 | Radek Brich | basic detection of compiler (GCC or ICC) and CPU capabilities | file | diff | annotate |
2008-04-04 | Radek Brich | add color support to lwo reader | file | diff | annotate |
2008-04-03 | Radek Brich | new python demo: car.py | file | diff | annotate |