2013-01-23 Radek Brich DriverSDL: add support for key modifiers.
2013-01-09 Radek Brich DriverSDL: Fix.
2013-01-09 Radek Brich DriverSDL: Implement blink attribute.
2013-01-08 Radek Brich sdlterm: Cleanup exceptions.
2013-01-08 Radek Brich DriverSDL: Add support for timeouts.
2013-01-06 Radek Brich DriverSDL: system font lookup.
2013-01-06 Radek Brich DriverSDL: Implement cursor, handle window resize.
2013-01-05 Radek Brich Update SDL driver: Enlarge char, attr to 32 bits, 64 bits per terminal cell. Colors and attributes are complete, only blink does not work.
2013-01-05 Radek Brich Clean up: expand unwanted tabs.
2013-01-05 Radek Brich DriverSDL: Implement colors.
2013-01-05 Radek Brich Update sdlterm: Optimize commit() - use two cell buffers, redraw only dirty cells, not everything. Fix keypress event, filter mousemove.
2013-01-05 Radek Brich Add SDL driver prototype. Update sdlterm: Handle keyboard, mouse events. Add glyph cache.
2013-01-04 Radek Brich Add sdlterm prototype: extension module for SDL driver.
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