2013-01-27 Radek Brich Update drivers: Rename setcolor to defcolor, add real setcolor which ignores color stack.
2013-01-19 Radek Brich Rework MenuBar. Add MenuButton. Add mouse event cascading to floaters.
2013-01-18 Radek Brich Rework layouts: Layout is now normal Container which places its children upon resize event.
2013-01-03 Radek Brich Clean up Emitter class, simplify event handling. Fix Container.focusnext() method. Add events test (handler auto-registration, order).
2012-12-30 Radek Brich Make Container.layout a property.
2012-12-29 Radek Brich Update Emitter: All event handlers now have exactly one argument: object inherited from Event class, which carries any data.
2011-10-04 Radek Brich Update VerticalLayout/HorizontalLayout. Add layout demo. Add Size, Borders to common. Update Coords, Rect.
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