Clean up: expand unwanted tabs.
authorRadek Brich <>
Sat, 05 Jan 2013 18:56:45 +0100 (2013-01-05)
changeset 51 dce7325109c1
parent 50 c5b8b9d2da95
child 52 50a1857557da
Clean up: expand unwanted tabs.
--- a/sdlterm/	Sat Jan 05 18:44:56 2013 +0100
+++ b/sdlterm/	Sat Jan 05 18:56:45 2013 +0100
@@ -4,57 +4,57 @@
 class Application
-	Terminal term;
-	bool done;
+    Terminal term;
+    bool done;
-	Application() : term(), done(false) {};
+    Application() : term(), done(false) {};
-	void init();
-	void wait_and_process_event();
+    void init();
+    void wait_and_process_event();
 void Application::init()
-	term.resize(800, 600);
-	term.select_font("font/DejaVuSansMono.ttf", "font/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf", 12);
-	term.erase();
-	term.set_attr( term.prepare_attr(14, 1, 1) );
+    term.resize(800, 600);
+    term.select_font("font/DejaVuSansMono.ttf", "font/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf", 12);
+    term.erase();
+    term.set_attr( term.prepare_attr(14, 1, 1) );
-	char hello[] = "Hello World!";
-	for (char *c = hello; *c; c++)
-	{
-		term.putch(5 + (c - hello), 5, *c);
-	}
-	term.commit();
+    char hello[] = "Hello World!";
+    for (char *c = hello; *c; c++)
+    {
+        term.putch(5 + (c - hello), 5, *c);
+    }
+    term.commit();
 void Application::wait_and_process_event()
-	Event event;
-	term.get_next_event(event);
+    Event event;
+    term.get_next_event(event);
-	switch (event.type)
-	{
-		case Event::QUIT:
-			done = true;
-			break;
+    switch (event.type)
+    {
+        case Event::QUIT:
+            done = true;
+            break;
-		default:
-			break;
-	}
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	Application app;
-	app.init();
+    Application app;
+    app.init();
     while (!app.done)
-    	app.wait_and_process_event();
+        app.wait_and_process_event();
     return 0;
--- a/sdlterm/src/	Sat Jan 05 18:44:56 2013 +0100
+++ b/sdlterm/src/	Sat Jan 05 18:56:45 2013 +0100
@@ -6,177 +6,177 @@
 void ColorMap::index_to_rgb(int index, SDL_Color &color)
-	color.r = _map[index][0];
-	color.g = _map[index][1];
-	color.b = _map[index][2];
+    color.r = _map[index][0];
+    color.g = _map[index][1];
+    color.b = _map[index][2];
 SDL_Surface *GlyphCache::lookup_glyph(Uint16 ch)
-	auto iter = _glyph_map.find(ch);
-	if (iter == _glyph_map.end())
-	{
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return iter->second;
+    auto iter = _glyph_map.find(ch);
+    if (iter == _glyph_map.end())
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return iter->second;
 void GlyphCache::put_glyph(Uint16 ch, SDL_Surface *srf)
-	_glyph_map[ch] = srf;
+    _glyph_map[ch] = srf;
 void GlyphCache::flush()
-	for (auto iter = _glyph_map.begin(); iter != _glyph_map.end(); iter++)
-	{
-		SDL_FreeSurface(iter->second);
-	}
-	_glyph_map.clear();
+    for (auto iter = _glyph_map.begin(); iter != _glyph_map.end(); iter++)
+    {
+        SDL_FreeSurface(iter->second);
+    }
+    _glyph_map.clear();
  : _font_regular(NULL), _font_bold(NULL), _cell_width(0), _cell_height(0), _cache(), _colormap()
-	if (TTF_Init() == -1)
-	{
-	    printf("TTF_Init: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
-	    throw std::exception();
-	}
+    if (TTF_Init() == -1)
+    {
+        printf("TTF_Init: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
+        throw std::exception();
+    }
-	_cache.flush();
-	close_font();
-	TTF_Quit();
+    _cache.flush();
+    close_font();
+    TTF_Quit();
 void GlyphRenderer::open_font(const char *fname_regular, const char *fname_bold, int ptsize)
-	close_font();
+    close_font();
-	// open regular font
-	_font_regular = TTF_OpenFont(fname_regular, ptsize);
-	if (!_font_regular)
-	{
-		printf("TTF_OpenFont: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
-		throw std::exception();
-	}
+    // open regular font
+    _font_regular = TTF_OpenFont(fname_regular, ptsize);
+    if (!_font_regular)
+    {
+        printf("TTF_OpenFont: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
+        throw std::exception();
+    }
-	// open bold font
-	_font_bold = TTF_OpenFont(fname_bold, ptsize);
-	if (!_font_bold)
-	{
-		printf("TTF_OpenFont: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
-		throw std::exception();
-	}
+    // open bold font
+    _font_bold = TTF_OpenFont(fname_bold, ptsize);
+    if (!_font_bold)
+    {
+        printf("TTF_OpenFont: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
+        throw std::exception();
+    }
-	// update metrics for regular font
-	int advance;
-	if (TTF_GlyphMetrics(_font_regular, 'M', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &advance) == -1)
-	{
-	    printf("TTF_GlyphMetrics: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
-	}
-	_cell_width = advance;
-	_cell_height = TTF_FontHeight(_font_regular);
+    // update metrics for regular font
+    int advance;
+    if (TTF_GlyphMetrics(_font_regular, 'M', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &advance) == -1)
+    {
+        printf("TTF_GlyphMetrics: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
+    }
+    _cell_width = advance;
+    _cell_height = TTF_FontHeight(_font_regular);
-	// read metrics for bold font
-	if (TTF_GlyphMetrics(_font_bold, 'M', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &advance) == -1)
-	{
-		printf("TTF_GlyphMetrics: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
-	}
-	if (advance > _cell_width)
-	{
-		_cell_width = advance;
-	}
-	int height = TTF_FontHeight(_font_bold);
-	if (height > _cell_height)
-	{
-		_cell_height = height;
-	}
+    // read metrics for bold font
+    if (TTF_GlyphMetrics(_font_bold, 'M', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &advance) == -1)
+    {
+        printf("TTF_GlyphMetrics: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
+    }
+    if (advance > _cell_width)
+    {
+        _cell_width = advance;
+    }
+    int height = TTF_FontHeight(_font_bold);
+    if (height > _cell_height)
+    {
+        _cell_height = height;
+    }
 void GlyphRenderer::close_font()
-	if (_font_regular)
-	{
-		TTF_CloseFont(_font_regular);
-		_font_regular = NULL;
-	}
-	if (_font_bold)
-	{
-		TTF_CloseFont(_font_bold);
-		_font_bold = NULL;
-	}
+    if (_font_regular)
+    {
+        TTF_CloseFont(_font_regular);
+        _font_regular = NULL;
+    }
+    if (_font_bold)
+    {
+        TTF_CloseFont(_font_bold);
+        _font_bold = NULL;
+    }
 SDL_Surface *GlyphRenderer::render_cell(Uint16 ch, Uint16 attr)
-	SDL_Surface *cell_surface;
-	TTF_Font *font;
-	SDL_Color fgcolor, bgcolor;
+    SDL_Surface *cell_surface;
+    TTF_Font *font;
+    SDL_Color fgcolor, bgcolor;
-	// try cache
-	cell_surface = _cache.lookup_glyph(ch);
-	if (cell_surface)
-	{
-		return cell_surface;
-	}
+    // try cache
+    cell_surface = _cache.lookup_glyph(ch);
+    if (cell_surface)
+    {
+        return cell_surface;
+    }
-	// load attributes
-	_colormap.index_to_rgb(attr & 0x000F, fgcolor);
-	_colormap.index_to_rgb((attr & 0x00F0) >> 4, bgcolor);
-	Style style = (Style) ((attr & 0xFF00) >> 8);
-	font = (style == Style::BOLD) ? _font_bold : _font_regular;
+    // load attributes
+    _colormap.index_to_rgb(attr & 0x000F, fgcolor);
+    _colormap.index_to_rgb((attr & 0x00F0) >> 4, bgcolor);
+    Style style = (Style) ((attr & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+    font = (style == Style::BOLD) ? _font_bold : _font_regular;
-	// create surface for whole cell and fill it with bg color
-	cell_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
-			_cell_width, _cell_height, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-	SDL_Rect dst_rect;
-	dst_rect.x = 0;
-	dst_rect.y = 0;
-	dst_rect.w = _cell_width;
-	dst_rect.h = _cell_height;
-	Uint32 bgcolor_mapped = SDL_MapRGB(cell_surface->format, bgcolor.r, bgcolor.g, bgcolor.b);
-	SDL_FillRect(cell_surface, &dst_rect, bgcolor_mapped);
+    // create surface for whole cell and fill it with bg color
+    cell_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
+            _cell_width, _cell_height, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+    SDL_Rect dst_rect;
+    dst_rect.x = 0;
+    dst_rect.y = 0;
+    dst_rect.w = _cell_width;
+    dst_rect.h = _cell_height;
+    Uint32 bgcolor_mapped = SDL_MapRGB(cell_surface->format, bgcolor.r, bgcolor.g, bgcolor.b);
+    SDL_FillRect(cell_surface, &dst_rect, bgcolor_mapped);
-	// render glyph, blit it onto cell surface
-	if (ch)
-	{
-		SDL_Surface *glyph_surface = TTF_RenderGlyph_Shaded(font, ch, fgcolor, bgcolor);
-		int minx, maxy;
-		TTF_GlyphMetrics(font, ch, &minx, NULL, NULL, &maxy, NULL);
-		dst_rect.x = minx;
-		dst_rect.y = TTF_FontAscent(font) - maxy;
-		SDL_BlitSurface(glyph_surface, NULL, cell_surface, &dst_rect);
-		SDL_FreeSurface(glyph_surface);
-	}
+    // render glyph, blit it onto cell surface
+    if (ch)
+    {
+        SDL_Surface *glyph_surface = TTF_RenderGlyph_Shaded(font, ch, fgcolor, bgcolor);
+        int minx, maxy;
+        TTF_GlyphMetrics(font, ch, &minx, NULL, NULL, &maxy, NULL);
+        dst_rect.x = minx;
+        dst_rect.y = TTF_FontAscent(font) - maxy;
+        SDL_BlitSurface(glyph_surface, NULL, cell_surface, &dst_rect);
+        SDL_FreeSurface(glyph_surface);
+    }
-	// convert to display format
-	SDL_Surface *tmp_surface = cell_surface;
-	cell_surface = SDL_DisplayFormat(tmp_surface);
-	SDL_FreeSurface(tmp_surface);
+    // convert to display format
+    SDL_Surface *tmp_surface = cell_surface;
+    cell_surface = SDL_DisplayFormat(tmp_surface);
+    SDL_FreeSurface(tmp_surface);
-	// put to cache
-	_cache.put_glyph(ch, cell_surface);
+    // put to cache
+    _cache.put_glyph(ch, cell_surface);
-	return cell_surface;
+    return cell_surface;
 void TerminalScreen::select_font(const char *fname_regular, const char *fname_bold, int ptsize)
-	_render.open_font(fname_regular, fname_bold, ptsize);
-	_reset_cells();
+    _render.open_font(fname_regular, fname_bold, ptsize);
+    _reset_cells();
 void TerminalScreen::resize(int pxwidth, int pxheight)
@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@
     if (_screen_surface == NULL)
-		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set video: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
-		throw std::exception();
+        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set video: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
+        throw std::exception();
     SDL_WM_SetCaption("terminal", NULL);
@@ -200,60 +200,60 @@
 void TerminalScreen::erase()
-	std::fill(_cells_front.begin(), _cells_front.end(), TerminalCell());
+    std::fill(_cells_front.begin(), _cells_front.end(), TerminalCell());
 void TerminalScreen::putch(int x, int y, Uint16 ch, Uint16 attr)
-	TerminalCell &cell = _cells_front[y * _width + x];
- = ch;
-	cell.attr = attr;
+    TerminalCell &cell = _cells_front[y * _width + x];
+ = ch;
+    cell.attr = attr;
 void TerminalScreen::commit()
-	auto front_iter = _cells_front.begin();
-	auto back_iter = _cells_back.begin();
-	SDL_Surface *cell_surface;
-	SDL_Rect dst_rect;
-	for (int y = 0; y < _height; y++)
-	{
-		for (int x = 0; x < _width; x++)
-		{
-			if (*front_iter != *back_iter)
-			{
-				dst_rect.x = x * _cell_width;
-				dst_rect.y = y * _cell_height;
-				cell_surface = _render.render_cell(front_iter->ch, front_iter->attr);
-				SDL_BlitSurface(cell_surface, NULL, _screen_surface, &dst_rect);
-				*back_iter = *front_iter;
-			}
-			front_iter++;
-			back_iter++;
-		}
-	}
+    auto front_iter = _cells_front.begin();
+    auto back_iter = _cells_back.begin();
+    SDL_Surface *cell_surface;
+    SDL_Rect dst_rect;
+    for (int y = 0; y < _height; y++)
+    {
+        for (int x = 0; x < _width; x++)
+        {
+            if (*front_iter != *back_iter)
+            {
+                dst_rect.x = x * _cell_width;
+                dst_rect.y = y * _cell_height;
+                cell_surface = _render.render_cell(front_iter->ch, front_iter->attr);
+                SDL_BlitSurface(cell_surface, NULL, _screen_surface, &dst_rect);
+                *back_iter = *front_iter;
+            }
+            front_iter++;
+            back_iter++;
+        }
+    }
-	SDL_UpdateRect(_screen_surface, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+    SDL_UpdateRect(_screen_surface, 0, 0, 0, 0);
 void TerminalScreen::_reset_cells()
-	_cell_width = _render.get_cell_width();
-	_cell_height = _render.get_cell_height();
-	if (!_cell_width || !_cell_height)
-		return;
+    _cell_width = _render.get_cell_width();
+    _cell_height = _render.get_cell_height();
+    if (!_cell_width || !_cell_height)
+        return;
-	_width = _pixel_width / _cell_width;
-	_height = _pixel_height / _cell_height;
-	if (!_width || !_height)
-		return;
+    _width = _pixel_width / _cell_width;
+    _height = _pixel_height / _cell_height;
+    if (!_width || !_height)
+        return;
-	int num_cells = _width * _height;
-	_cells_front.resize(num_cells, TerminalCell());
-	_cells_back.resize(num_cells, TerminalCell());
+    int num_cells = _width * _height;
+    _cells_front.resize(num_cells, TerminalCell());
+    _cells_back.resize(num_cells, TerminalCell());
@@ -262,8 +262,8 @@
     if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) == -1)
-		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
-		throw std::exception();
+        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
+        throw std::exception();
@@ -271,107 +271,107 @@
-	SDL_Quit();
+    SDL_Quit();
 void Terminal::get_next_event(Event &event)
-	static SDL_Event sdl_event;
+    static SDL_Event sdl_event;
-	while (SDL_WaitEvent(&sdl_event))
-	{
-		switch (sdl_event.type)
-		{
-			case SDL_QUIT:
-				event.type = Event::QUIT;
-				return;
+    while (SDL_WaitEvent(&sdl_event))
+    {
+        switch (sdl_event.type)
+        {
+            case SDL_QUIT:
+                event.type = Event::QUIT;
+                return;
-			case SDL_KEYDOWN:
-			{
-				//switch(event.key.keysym.sym)
-				event.type = Event::KEYPRESS;
-				const char *keyname = _translate_keyname(sdl_event.key.keysym.sym);
-				// return only keyname or unicode, never both
-				if (keyname)
-				{
-					strncpy(event.key.keyname, keyname, 10);
-					event.key.unicode = 0;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					event.key.keyname[0] = 0;
-					event.key.unicode = sdl_event.key.keysym.unicode;
-					if (!event.key.unicode)
-						break; // continue loop (unknown key)
-				}
-				return;
-			}
+            case SDL_KEYDOWN:
+            {
+                //switch(event.key.keysym.sym)
+                event.type = Event::KEYPRESS;
+                const char *keyname = _translate_keyname(sdl_event.key.keysym.sym);
+                // return only keyname or unicode, never both
+                if (keyname)
+                {
+                    strncpy(event.key.keyname, keyname, 10);
+                    event.key.unicode = 0;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    event.key.keyname[0] = 0;
+                    event.key.unicode = sdl_event.key.keysym.unicode;
+                    if (!event.key.unicode)
+                        break; // continue loop (unknown key)
+                }
+                return;
+            }
-				event.type = (sdl_event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) ? Event::MOUSEDOWN : Event::MOUSEUP;
-				event.mouse.x = sdl_event.button.x / _screen.get_cell_width();
-				event.mouse.y = sdl_event.button.y / _screen.get_cell_height();
-				event.mouse.button = sdl_event.button.button;
-				_mousemove_last_x = -1;
-				return;
+            case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+            case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP:
+                event.type = (sdl_event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) ? Event::MOUSEDOWN : Event::MOUSEUP;
+                event.mouse.x = sdl_event.button.x / _screen.get_cell_width();
+                event.mouse.y = sdl_event.button.y / _screen.get_cell_height();
+                event.mouse.button = sdl_event.button.button;
+                _mousemove_last_x = -1;
+                return;
-				event.type = Event::MOUSEMOVE;
-				event.mouse.x = sdl_event.motion.x / _screen.get_cell_width();
-				event.mouse.y = sdl_event.motion.y / _screen.get_cell_height();
-				if (_mousemove_last_x != event.mouse.x ||
-		            _mousemove_last_y != event.mouse.y)
-				{
-					_mousemove_last_x = event.mouse.x;
-					_mousemove_last_y = event.mouse.y;
-					return;
-				}
-				break; // continue loop when mouse position did not change
+            case SDL_MOUSEMOTION:
+                event.type = Event::MOUSEMOVE;
+                event.mouse.x = sdl_event.motion.x / _screen.get_cell_width();
+                event.mouse.y = sdl_event.motion.y / _screen.get_cell_height();
+                if (_mousemove_last_x != event.mouse.x ||
+                    _mousemove_last_y != event.mouse.y)
+                {
+                    _mousemove_last_x = event.mouse.x;
+                    _mousemove_last_y = event.mouse.y;
+                    return;
+                }
+                break; // continue loop when mouse position did not change
-			default:
-				break; // continue loop
-		}
-	}
+            default:
+                break; // continue loop
+        }
+    }
 const char *Terminal::_translate_keyname(SDLKey sym)
-	switch (sym)
-	{
-		case SDLK_BACKSPACE: 	return "backspace";
-		case SDLK_TAB:			return "tab";
-		case SDLK_RETURN:		return "enter";
-		case SDLK_KP_ENTER:		return "enter";
-		case SDLK_ESCAPE:		return "escape";
-		case SDLK_DELETE:		return "delete";
-		case SDLK_INSERT:		return "insert";
-		case SDLK_UP:			return "up";
-		case SDLK_DOWN:			return "down";
-		case SDLK_LEFT:			return "left";
-		case SDLK_RIGHT:		return "right";
-		case SDLK_HOME:			return "home";
-		case SDLK_END:			return "end";
-		case SDLK_PAGEUP:		return "pageup";
-		case SDLK_PAGEDOWN:		return "pagedown";
-		case SDLK_F1:			return "f1";
-		case SDLK_F2:			return "f2";
-		case SDLK_F3:			return "f3";
-		case SDLK_F4:			return "f4";
-		case SDLK_F5:			return "f5";
-		case SDLK_F6:			return "f6";
-		case SDLK_F7:			return "f7";
-		case SDLK_F8:			return "f8";
-		case SDLK_F9:			return "f9";
-		case SDLK_F10:			return "f10";
-		case SDLK_F11:			return "f11";
-		case SDLK_F12:			return "f12";
-		case SDLK_PRINT:		return "print";
-		case SDLK_SCROLLOCK:	return "scrllock";
-		case SDLK_PAUSE:	    return "pause";
-		default: return NULL;
-	}
+    switch (sym)
+    {
+        case SDLK_BACKSPACE:    return "backspace";
+        case SDLK_TAB:          return "tab";
+        case SDLK_RETURN:       return "enter";
+        case SDLK_KP_ENTER:     return "enter";
+        case SDLK_ESCAPE:       return "escape";
+        case SDLK_DELETE:       return "delete";
+        case SDLK_INSERT:       return "insert";
+        case SDLK_UP:           return "up";
+        case SDLK_DOWN:         return "down";
+        case SDLK_LEFT:         return "left";
+        case SDLK_RIGHT:        return "right";
+        case SDLK_HOME:         return "home";
+        case SDLK_END:          return "end";
+        case SDLK_PAGEUP:       return "pageup";
+        case SDLK_PAGEDOWN:     return "pagedown";
+        case SDLK_F1:           return "f1";
+        case SDLK_F2:           return "f2";
+        case SDLK_F3:           return "f3";
+        case SDLK_F4:           return "f4";
+        case SDLK_F5:           return "f5";
+        case SDLK_F6:           return "f6";
+        case SDLK_F7:           return "f7";
+        case SDLK_F8:           return "f8";
+        case SDLK_F9:           return "f9";
+        case SDLK_F10:          return "f10";
+        case SDLK_F11:          return "f11";
+        case SDLK_F12:          return "f12";
+        case SDLK_PRINT:        return "print";
+        case SDLK_SCROLLOCK:    return "scrllock";
+        case SDLK_PAUSE:        return "pause";
+        default: return NULL;
+    }
--- a/sdlterm/src/sdlterm.h	Sat Jan 05 18:44:56 2013 +0100
+++ b/sdlterm/src/sdlterm.h	Sat Jan 05 18:56:45 2013 +0100
@@ -7,34 +7,34 @@
 enum class Style: Uint16
-	BOLD      = 1 << 0,  // bold font
-	UNDERLINE = 1 << 1,  // underline text
-	STANDOUT  = 1 << 2,  // inverse bg/fg
-	BLINK     = 1 << 3,  // blinking
+    BOLD      = 1 << 0,  // bold font
+    UNDERLINE = 1 << 1,  // underline text
+    STANDOUT  = 1 << 2,  // inverse bg/fg
+    BLINK     = 1 << 3,  // blinking
 class ColorMap
-	Uint8 _map[16][3] = {
-		{0,0,0},		// 0 - black
-        {23,23,178},	// 1 - blue
+    Uint8 _map[16][3] = {
+        {0,0,0},        // 0 - black
+        {23,23,178},    // 1 - blue
         {23,178,23},    // 2 - green
         {23,178,178},   // 3 - cyan
-        {178,23,23},	// 4 - red
-        {178,23,178},	// 5 - magenta
-        {178,103,23},	// 6 - brown
-        {178,178,178},	// 7 - light gray
-        {104,104,104},	// 8 - gray
-        {84,84,255},	// 9 - light blue
-        {84,255,84},	// 10 - light green
-        {84,255,255},	// 11 - light cyan
-        {255,84,84},	// 12 - light red
-        {255,84,255},	// 13 - light magenta
+        {178,23,23},    // 4 - red
+        {178,23,178},   // 5 - magenta
+        {178,103,23},   // 6 - brown
+        {178,178,178},  // 7 - light gray
+        {104,104,104},  // 8 - gray
+        {84,84,255},    // 9 - light blue
+        {84,255,84},    // 10 - light green
+        {84,255,255},   // 11 - light cyan
+        {255,84,84},    // 12 - light red
+        {255,84,255},   // 13 - light magenta
         {255,255,84},   // 14 - yellow
         {255,255,255},  // 15 - white
-	};
+    };
     void index_to_rgb(int index, SDL_Color &color);
@@ -44,141 +44,142 @@
 class GlyphCache
-	SDL_Surface *lookup_glyph(Uint16 ch);
-	void put_glyph(Uint16 ch, SDL_Surface *srf);
-	void flush();
+    SDL_Surface *lookup_glyph(Uint16 ch);
+    void put_glyph(Uint16 ch, SDL_Surface *srf);
+    void flush();
-	std::map<Uint16, SDL_Surface*> _glyph_map;
+    std::map<Uint16, SDL_Surface*> _glyph_map;
 class GlyphRenderer
-	GlyphRenderer();
-	~GlyphRenderer();
+    GlyphRenderer();
+    ~GlyphRenderer();
-	void open_font(const char *fname_regular, const char *fname_bold, int ptsize);
-	void close_font();
+    void open_font(const char *fname_regular, const char *fname_bold, int ptsize);
+    void close_font();
-	// do not free surface returned!
-	SDL_Surface *render_cell(Uint16 ch, Uint16 attr);
+    // do not free surface returned!
+    SDL_Surface *render_cell(Uint16 ch, Uint16 attr);
-	int get_cell_width() { return _cell_width; };
-	int get_cell_height() { return _cell_height; };
+    int get_cell_width() { return _cell_width; };
+    int get_cell_height() { return _cell_height; };
-	TTF_Font *_font_regular;
-	TTF_Font *_font_bold;
-	int _cell_width;
-	int _cell_height;
-	GlyphCache _cache;
-	ColorMap _colormap;
+    TTF_Font *_font_regular;
+    TTF_Font *_font_bold;
+    int _cell_width;
+    int _cell_height;
+    GlyphCache _cache;
+    ColorMap _colormap;
 struct TerminalCell
-	Uint16 ch;
-	Uint16 attr;
-	bool operator !=(const TerminalCell &rhs) const { return ch != || attr != rhs.attr; };
+    Uint16 ch;
+    Uint16 attr;
+    bool operator !=(const TerminalCell &rhs) const { return ch != || attr != rhs.attr; };
 class TerminalScreen
-	TerminalScreen():
-		_screen_surface(NULL), _cells_front(0), _cells_back(0), _render(),
-		_pixel_width(0), _pixel_height(0) {};
-	~TerminalScreen() {};
+    TerminalScreen():
+        _screen_surface(NULL), _cells_front(0), _cells_back(0), _render(),
+        _pixel_width(0), _pixel_height(0), _width(0), _height(0),
+        _cell_width(0), _cell_height(0) {};
+    ~TerminalScreen() {};
-	void select_font(const char *fname_regular, const char *fname_bold, int ptsize);
-	void resize(int pxwidth, int pxheight);
+    void select_font(const char *fname_regular, const char *fname_bold, int ptsize);
+    void resize(int pxwidth, int pxheight);
-	void erase();
-	void putch(int x, int y, Uint16 ch, Uint16 attr);
-	void commit();
+    void erase();
+    void putch(int x, int y, Uint16 ch, Uint16 attr);
+    void commit();
-	int get_width() { return _width; };
-	int get_height() { return _height; };
-	int get_cell_width() { return _cell_width; };
-	int get_cell_height() { return _cell_height; };
+    int get_width() { return _width; };
+    int get_height() { return _height; };
+    int get_cell_width() { return _cell_width; };
+    int get_cell_height() { return _cell_height; };
-	SDL_Surface *_screen_surface;
-	std::vector<TerminalCell> _cells_front;
-	std::vector<TerminalCell> _cells_back;
-	GlyphRenderer _render;
+    SDL_Surface *_screen_surface;
+    std::vector<TerminalCell> _cells_front;
+    std::vector<TerminalCell> _cells_back;
+    GlyphRenderer _render;
-	int _pixel_width;  // terminal window width in pixels
-	int _pixel_height;
-	int _width;  // width in characters
-	int _height; // height in characters
-	int _cell_width;  // character cell width in pixels
-	int _cell_height;
+    int _pixel_width;  // terminal window width in pixels
+    int _pixel_height;
+    int _width;  // width in characters
+    int _height; // height in characters
+    int _cell_width;  // character cell width in pixels
+    int _cell_height;
-	void _reset_cells();
+    void _reset_cells();
 struct Event
-	int type;
+    int type;
-	union
-	{
-		struct
-		{
-			char keyname[10];
-			Uint16 unicode;
-		} key;
-		struct
-		{
-			int x, y;
-			int button;
-		} mouse;
-	};
+    union
+    {
+        struct
+        {
+            char keyname[10];
+            Uint16 unicode;
+        } key;
+        struct
+        {
+            int x, y;
+            int button;
+        } mouse;
+    };
 class Terminal
-	Terminal();
-	~Terminal();
+    Terminal();
+    ~Terminal();
-	void select_font(const char *fname_regular, const char *fname_bold, int ptsize)
-		{ _screen.select_font(fname_regular, fname_bold, ptsize); };
-	void resize(int pxwidth, int pxheight) { _screen.resize(pxwidth, pxheight); };
+    void select_font(const char *fname_regular, const char *fname_bold, int ptsize)
+        { _screen.select_font(fname_regular, fname_bold, ptsize); };
+    void resize(int pxwidth, int pxheight) { _screen.resize(pxwidth, pxheight); };
-	void erase() { _screen.erase(); };
-	void putch(int x, int y, Uint16 ch) { _screen.putch(x, y, ch, _attr); };
-	void commit() { _screen.commit(); };
+    void erase() { _screen.erase(); };
+    void putch(int x, int y, Uint16 ch) { _screen.putch(x, y, ch, _attr); };
+    void commit() { _screen.commit(); };
-	Uint16 prepare_attr(Uint8 fg, Uint8 bg, Uint8 style) { return fg | bg << 4 | style << 8; };
-	void set_attr(Uint16 value) { _attr = value; };
+    Uint16 prepare_attr(Uint8 fg, Uint8 bg, Uint8 style) { return fg | bg << 4 | style << 8; };
+    void set_attr(Uint16 value) { _attr = value; };
-	void set_cursor(int x, int y) { _cursor_x = x; _cursor_y = y; };
-	void show_cursor(bool visible) { _cursor_visible = visible; };
+    void set_cursor(int x, int y) { _cursor_x = x; _cursor_y = y; };
+    void show_cursor(bool visible) { _cursor_visible = visible; };
-	void get_next_event(Event &event);
+    void get_next_event(Event &event);
-	int get_width() { return _screen.get_width(); };
-	int get_height() { return _screen.get_height(); };
+    int get_width() { return _screen.get_width(); };
+    int get_height() { return _screen.get_height(); };
-	TerminalScreen _screen;
-	Uint16 _attr;
-	int _cursor_x;
-	int _cursor_y;
-	bool _cursor_visible;
+    TerminalScreen _screen;
+    Uint16 _attr;
+    int _cursor_x;
+    int _cursor_y;
+    bool _cursor_visible;
-	int _mousemove_last_x;
-	int _mousemove_last_y;
+    int _mousemove_last_x;
+    int _mousemove_last_y;
-	const char *_translate_keyname(SDLKey sym);
+    const char *_translate_keyname(SDLKey sym);