changeset 44 3763b26244f0
parent 7 bf17f9f84c91
child 45 76b254ce92cf
--- a/DEVNOTES	Sun Dec 30 00:11:47 2007 +0100
+++ b/DEVNOTES	Thu Jan 03 18:06:34 2008 +0100
@@ -1,58 +1,21 @@
-KdTree Algorithm
-def build_kdtree(root, shapes):
-	root = new KdNode
-	root.shapes = shapes
-	subdivide(root, bounding_box(shapes), 0)
-def subdivide(node, bbox, depth):
-	# choose split axis
-	axis = bbox.largest_extend()
-	# find split position
-	splitpos = find_split_position(axis)
+vector.h -- vector of three scalars, also used for colour
+matrix.h -- matrix class, currently not used
+quaternion.h -- quaternion class for camera rotation
-	leftnode, rightnode = new KdNode[2]
-	for each shape:
-		if (node->intersectleftnode()) leftnode->addprimitive( primitive )
-		if (node->intersectrightnode()) rightnode->addprimitive( primitive )
-	subdivide(leftnode, bbox.left_split(splitpos), depth+1)
-	subdivide(rightnode, bbox.right_split(splitpos), depth+1)
-def find_split_position(axis):
-	mshapes = new ShapeListWithMarks(shapes)
-	# sort new shape list according to left boundaries
-	mshapes.sort(axis)
+container.h  -- container for shapes, base class for octree and kd-tree
+octree.h -- Octree space subdivision structure for acceleration of ray-shape intersection search
+kdtree.h  -- KdTree space subdivision structure
-	splitlist = new SplitList()
-	for each mshape from mshapes:
-		splitlist.add_extremes(mshape, axis)
-	splitlist.sort()
-	for each split from splitlist:
-		for each mshape from mshapes:
-			if mshape.marked:
-				continue
+scene.h -- scene objects: Ray, Light, Camera and shapes
+raytracer.h -- ray tracer class
+common.h -- Float definition (float/double) and some helper functions
-			# if shape is on left side of split plane
-			if mshape.r_boundary <= split.pos:
-				split.lnum++
-				mshape.mark()
-			# if shape is completely contained in split plane
-			if mshape.l_boundary == mshape.r_boundary == split.pos:
-				if split.num_smaller_subcell == 0:
-					split.num_bigger_subcell++
-				else:
-					split.num_smaller_subcell++
-			# if shape is on right side of split plane
-			if mshape.l_boundary >= split.pos:
-				split.r_num += mshapes.count - mshape.number
-				break
-			# if shape occupies both sides of split plane
-			if mshape.l_boundary < split.pos and mshape.r_boundary > split.pos:
-				split.l_num++
-				split.r_num++
+Container Usage
+(Container|Octree|KdTree) top;
+scene.setTop(top)  // top object in hierarchy
+top.optimize()     // build optimization structure