material and texture classes moved to material.(cc,h)
2D texture mappings from polished and moved to material.h
add ColourMap class and subclasses to make textures more flexible
two example textures: CheckersTexture and CloudTexture (using Perlin noise)
Import('env lib')
env.Append(CPPPATH = ['.','#include'], LIBPATH='#build/lib')
sdlenv = env.Clone()
sdlenv.ParseConfig('sh sdl-config --cflags --libs')
l = []
image_obj = env.Object('image.c', CC="$CXX")
l.append( image_obj )
l.append( sdlenv.Program(['']) )
l.append( sdlenv.Program(['']) )
l.append( sdlenv.Program(['']) )
l.append( sdlenv.Program(['']+image_obj) )
l.append( sdlenv.Program(['']+image_obj) )
env.Alias('cc-demos', l)