material and texture classes moved to material.(cc,h)
2D texture mappings from polished and moved to material.h
add ColourMap class and subclasses to make textures more flexible
two example textures: CheckersTexture and CloudTexture (using Perlin noise)
# Wavefron .obj file loader
from raytracer import Triangle, NormalVertex
def LoadWavefrontObjFile(rt, filename, mat, scale):
vertices = []
fp = file(filename)
while True:
ln = fp.readline()
if ln == "":
ln = ln.split()
if ln[0] == "v":
v = [scale*float(x) for x in ln[1:4]]
if ln[0] == "f":
f = [vertices[int(x)-1] for x in ln[1:4]]
face = Triangle(NormalVertex(f[0]), NormalVertex(f[1]), NormalVertex(f[2]), mat)