basic detection of compiler (GCC or ICC) and CPU capabilities
try to detect Python path in Windows and allow direct specification through build option
plus other build system fixes
Import('env lib')
env.Append(CPPPATH = ['.','#include'], LIBPATH='#build/lib')
sdlenv = env.Clone()
sdlenv.ParseConfig('sh sdl-config --cflags --libs')
l = []
image_obj = env.Object('image.c', CC="$CXX")
l.append( image_obj )
l.append( sdlenv.Program(['']) )
l.append( sdlenv.Program(['']) )
l.append( sdlenv.Program(['']) )
l.append( sdlenv.Program(['']+image_obj) )
l.append( sdlenv.Program(['']+image_obj) )
env.Alias('cc-demos', l)