basic detection of compiler (GCC or ICC) and CPU capabilities
try to detect Python path in Windows and allow direct specification through build option
plus other build system fixes
# LightWave .lwo file loaderfrom struct import *from raytracer import Triangle, NormalVertex, Materialdef read_int4(f): return unpack('>i',[0]def read_int2(f): return unpack('>h',[0]def read_float4(f): return unpack('>f',[0]def read_string(f): res = '' b = l = 1 while ( b != '\0' ): res += b b = l += 1 if (l % 2 != 0): l += 1 return (res,l)def read_chunk(f): ID = if (ID == ''): return ('',0) size = read_int4(f) return (ID, size)def read_subchunk(f): ID = size = read_int2(f) return (ID, size)def read_lwo(filename): points = [] faces = [] tags = [] surfaces = [] f = file(filename, 'rb') (ID,size) = read_chunk(f) form = if (ID != 'FORM' or form != 'LWOB'): print 'not lwo file' return (ID,size) = read_chunk(f) while (ID != ''): #print ID,size if (ID == 'PNTS'): while (size > 0): p1 = read_float4(f) p2 = read_float4(f) p3 = read_float4(f) points.append((p1,p2,p3)) size -= 12 elif (ID == 'SRFS'): while (size > 0): (s,l) = read_string(f) size -= l tags.append(s) elif (ID == 'POLS'): while (size > 0): vertex_count = read_int2(f) size -= 2 inds = [] for i in range(vertex_count): index = read_int2(f) inds.append(index) size -= 2 surf = read_int2(f) size -= 2 faces.append((inds[0], inds[1], inds[2], surf)) i = 0 while (vertex_count > 3): faces.append((inds[0], inds[2+i], inds[3+i], surf)) vertex_count -= 1 i += 1 elif (ID == 'SURF'): (name,l) = read_string(f) size -= l surf = {} while (size > 0): (subID,subsize) = read_subchunk(f) size -= 6 if (subID == 'COLR'): col = surf['color'] = (unpack('BBB',col[:3])) else: print "Warning:", subID,"("+str(subsize),"B) ignored" size -= subsize surfaces.append(surf) else: print "Warning:", ID,"("+str(size),"B) ignored" (ID,size) = read_chunk(f) return (points, faces, tags, surfaces)def LoadLightwaveLwoFile(rt, filename, defmat, smooth, scale=(1,1,1), trans=(0,0,0)): if (type(scale) == float or type(scale) == int): scale = (scale,)*3 (points, faces, tags, surfaces) = read_lwo(filename) vertices = [] normals = [] vertex_face_num = [] materials = [] for surf in surfaces: mat = Material(colour=tuple(float(x)/255. for x in surf['color'])) materials.append(mat) for point in points: v0 = scale[0]*point[0] + trans[0] v1 = scale[1]*point[1] + trans[1] v2 = scale[2]*point[2] + trans[2] vertices.append(NormalVertex((v2,v1,v0))) normals.append([0.,0.,0.]) vertex_face_num.append(0) for f in faces: v = [vertices[x] for x in f[0:3]] matidx = f[3]-1 face = Triangle(v[0], v[1], v[2], materials[matidx]) n = face.getNormal() for x in f[0:3]: for i in range(3): normals[x][i] += n[i] vertex_face_num[x] += 1 if (smooth): face.setSmooth() rt.addshape(face) # interpolate normals at vertices num = 0 for vf in vertex_face_num: if (vertex_face_num[num] > 0): for i in range(3): normals[num][i] /= vertex_face_num[num] vertices[num].setNormal(tuple(normals[num])) num += 1