Updated to compile:
- KdTree+Octree: max_depth changed to static const (this should be configured at compile time)
- wget tool replaced by curl, which is now more widespread
- added CMakeLists (to eventually replace SCons)
- various fixes
================== Pyrit Ray Tracer==================File Organization-----------------/build -- output directory for binaries and other generated files/ccdemos -- ray tracer demos in C++/demos -- ray tracer demos in Python/docs -- Doxygen generated documentation/include -- header files/models -- common models for use by demos/src -- ray tracing library source code/tests -- test programs for classes/tools -- auxiliary programsBuilding--------Type 'scons pyrit' to build and 'scons -h' for list of targets.Requirements: SCons pthreads (see bellow) libpng, zlib Python 2.4 or newer for Python module and demos SDL for interactive C++ demosIt should build with these compilers: GCC, IntelC, MSVCGCC is default in Linux, MSVC is default in Windows.Downloading model files-----------------------Not all models are included in distribution. To download the largeStanford models, type 'scons download-models', which will downloadand extract the archives to appropriate location.The download script uses 'tar' and 'curl' utilities.Pthreads--------Threads are used to render rays paralelly. Arbitrary numberof threads can be used.For Windows, get Pthreads library here:http://sources.redhat.com/pthreads-win32/Python Demos------------All demos render images and write the result to PNG filenamed with same base name as the script.Scene is constructed using classes imported from pyritPython module.boxes.py 512 cubes with reflections and refractions 4x oversampling, two lights, octreebunny.py glass bunny, ~70k polygons 4x oversampling, two lights, kd-treecar.py low poly car model, LWOB format 9x oversampling, two lights, kd-treespheres_shadow.py three spheres, sharp shadows 4x oversampling, two lights, kd-treespheres_ao.py three spheres, ambient occlussionspheres_glass.py row of glass spheres 4x oversampling, three lights, kd-treerender_nff.py [input.nff] [output.png] renders nff files (http://tog.acm.org/resources/SPD/) reads stdin if no args giventriangles_*.py older examples using OBJ file formatC++ Demos---------Compiled interactive demos. Camera can move freely in the scene.realtime.exe one hundred spheres with reflectionsrealtime_bunny.exe bunny model (it loads silently, so be patient)spheres_shadow.exe "interactive" version of spheres_shadow.pytextures.exe demo of different texture mappingsControl keys: Up, Down, Left, Right look around w/s forward, backward c print camera coordinates spheres_shadow demo supports also: r/t, f/g, v/b move the light (-x/+x, -y/+y, -z/+z) z/x change camera focal length (-/+)License-------This software is published under terms of MIT license.See COPYING for full text of license.Website-------Latest version can be obtained at http://wiki.devl.cz/Pyrit