add many SCons targets (see DEVNOTES)
make automatic model downloading work again
remove Makefiles -- now obsolete and hardly maintainable
SCons Targets-------------models = local-models, download-modelslocal-modelsdownload-modelsdemos = python-demos, cc-demospython-demoscc-demoslibs = static-lib, python-moduleobjsstatic-libshared-objspython-moduleall = no-docs, docsno-download = libs, demos, local-modelsno-docs = libs, demos, modelsdocsDefault is no-docs.Classes-------vector.h -- vector of three scalars, also used for colourmatrix.h -- matrix class, currently not usedquaternion.h -- quaternion class for camera rotationcontainer.h -- container for shapes, base class for octree and kd-treeoctree.h -- Octree space subdivision structure for acceleration of ray-shape intersection searchkdtree.h -- KdTree space subdivision structurescene.h -- scene objects: Ray, Light, Camera and shapesraytracer.h -- ray tracer classcommon.h -- Float definition (float/double) and some helper functionsContainer Usage---------------(Container|Octree|KdTree) top;scene.setTop(top) // top object in hierarchytop.optimize() // build optimization structureRework camera-------------Sampler - generate points in screen planeCamera - transform point from sampler to a ray