update README
update Doxygen docs
scons option 'msvc' changed to 'mingw' as msvc is default
and mingw must be turned on explicitly
mkdir %1
cd %1
wget ftp://graphics.stanford.edu/pub/3Dscanrep/bunny.tar.gz
bsdtar xzf bunny.tar.gz
del bunny.tar.gz
rmdir /S /Q bunny\data
move bunny\reconstruction\* bunny
rmdir /S /Q bunny\reconstruction
wget ftp://graphics.stanford.edu/pub/3Dscanrep/happy/happy_recon.tar.gz
bsdtar xzf happy_recon.tar.gz
del happy_recon.tar.gz
move happy_recon happy
wget ftp://graphics.stanford.edu/pub/3Dscanrep/dragon/dragon_recon.tar.gz
bsdtar xzf dragon_recon.tar.gz
del dragon_recon.tar.gz
move dragon_recon dragon