octree traversal rewritten to avoid recursion
reenabled -O3 optimizations (was accidentaly disabled, now it traces even faster! :-))
realtime_bunny: added FPS counter, fixed a bug in ply loader
min3 and max3 templates added to common.h
/* * Pyrit Ray Tracer * file: common.h * * Radek Brich, 2006-2007 */#ifndef COMMON_H#define COMMON_H#include <stdio.h>#include <stdarg.h>#include <float.h>#ifdef PYRIT_DOUBLE# define Float double# define Eps DBL_EPSILON# define Inf DBL_MAX#else# define Float float# define Eps 1e-6# define Inf FLT_MAX#endif/* verbosity level:0: only errors (E)1: major status messages (*)2: minor status, progress (-)3: debug messages (D)4: more debugdefault = 2*/extern int pyrit_verbosity;inline void dbgmsg(const int vlevel, const char *format, ...){ if (pyrit_verbosity >= vlevel) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); vprintf(format, ap); va_end(ap); fflush(stdout); }}template<typename Type> const Type &min3(const Type &a, const Type &b, const Type &c){ if (a <= b) { if (a <= c) return a; else return c; } else { if (b <= c) return b; else return c; }}template<typename Type> const Type &max3(const Type &a, const Type &b, const Type &c){ if (a >= b) { if (a >= c) return a; else return c; } else { if (b >= c) return b; else return c; }}#endif