ccdemos: put the common code to header files, common_ply.h and common_sdl.h
move all ccdemos on octree and make them all realtime (-i argument)
from raytracer import Triangle, NormalVertex
def LoadStanfordPlyFile(rt, filename, mat, smooth, scale=(1,1,1), trans=(0,0,0)):
if (type(scale) == float or type(scale) == int):
scale = (scale,)*3
vertices = []
normals = []
vertex_face_num = []
fp = file(filename)
# read header
tokens = (0,)
while (tokens[0] != "end_header"):
tokens = fp.readline().split()
if (tokens[0] == "element"):
if (tokens[1] == "vertex"):
vertex_num = int(tokens[2])
if (tokens[1] == "face"):
face_num = int(tokens[2])
# read vertices
num = vertex_num
while (num):
tokens = fp.readline().split()
v = [float(x) for x in tokens[0:3]]
v[0] = scale[0]*v[0] + trans[0]
v[1] = scale[1]*v[1] + trans[1]
v[2] = scale[2]*v[2] + trans[2]
num -= 1
# read faces
while (face_num):
tokens = fp.readline().split()
if (tokens[0] != "3"):
print "ply warning: faces of %d vertices not supported" % tokens[0]
v = [vertices[int(x)] for x in tokens[1:4]]
face = Triangle(v[0], v[2], v[1], mat)
n = face.getNormal()
for x in tokens[1:4]:
for i in range(3):
normals[int(x)][i] += n[i]
vertex_face_num[int(x)] += 1
if (smooth):
face_num -= 1
# interpolate normals at vertices
num = 0
while (num < vertex_num):
if (vertex_face_num[num] > 0):
for i in range(3):
normals[num][i] /= vertex_face_num[num]
num += 1