fix a bug in KdNode::subdivide and remove some extra variables - use SW surface
* C++ RayTracer
* file:
* Radek Brich, 2006
#include <math.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "scene.h"
void Camera::rotate(const Quaternion &q)
Quaternion res;
res = q * Quaternion(u) * conjugate(q);
u = res.toVector();
res = q * Quaternion(v) * conjugate(q);
v = res.toVector();
res = q * Quaternion(p) * conjugate(q);
p = res.toVector();
// optimized
Float t2 = q.a*q.b;
Float t3 = q.a*q.c;
Float t4 = q.a*q.d;
Float t5 = -q.b*q.b;
Float t6 = q.b*q.c;
Float t7 = q.b*q.d;
Float t8 = -q.c*q.c;
Float t9 = q.c*q.d;
Float t10 = -q.d*q.d;
Float x,y,z;
x = 2*( (t8 + t10)*p.x + (t6 - t4)*p.y + (t3 + t7)*p.z ) + p.x;
y = 2*( (t4 + t6)*p.x + (t5 + t10)*p.y + (t9 - t2)*p.z ) + p.y;
z = 2*( (t7 - t3)*p.x + (t2 + t9)*p.y + (t5 + t8)*p.z ) + p.z;
p = Vector3(x,y,z);
x = 2*( (t8 + t10)*u.x + (t6 - t4)*u.y + (t3 + t7)*u.z ) + u.x;
y = 2*( (t4 + t6)*u.x + (t5 + t10)*u.y + (t9 - t2)*u.z ) + u.y;
z = 2*( (t7 - t3)*u.x + (t2 + t9)*u.y + (t5 + t8)*u.z ) + u.z;
u = Vector3(x,y,z);
x = 2*( (t8 + t10)*v.x + (t6 - t4)*v.y + (t3 + t7)*v.z ) + v.x;
y = 2*( (t4 + t6)*v.x + (t5 + t10)*v.y + (t9 - t2)*v.z ) + v.y;
z = 2*( (t7 - t3)*v.x + (t2 + t9)*v.y + (t5 + t8)*v.z ) + v.z;
v = Vector3(x,y,z);
void Camera::move(const Float fw, const Float left, const Float up)
eye = eye + fw*p + left*u + up*v;
/* */
bool BBox::intersect(const Ray &ray, Float &a, Float &b)
Float tnear = -FLT_MAX;
Float tfar = FLT_MAX;
Float t1, t2;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (ray.dir.cell[i] == 0) {
/* ray is parallel to these planes */
if (ray.o.cell[i] < L.cell[i] || ray.o.cell[i] > H.cell[i])
return false;
} else
/* compute the intersection distance of the planes */
t1 = (L.cell[i] - ray.o.cell[i]) / ray.dir.cell[i];
t2 = (H.cell[i] - ray.o.cell[i]) / ray.dir.cell[i];
if (t1 > t2)
swap(t1, t2);
if (t1 > tnear)
tnear = t1; /* want largest Tnear */
if (t2 < tfar)
tfar = t2; /* want smallest Tfar */
if (tnear > tfar)
return false; /* box missed */
if (tfar < 0)
return false; /* box is behind ray */
a = tnear;
b = tfar;
return true;
bool Sphere::intersect(const Ray &ray, Float &dist)
Vector3 V = ray.o - center;
register Float d = -dot(V, ray.dir);
register Float Det = d * d - (dot(V,V) - sqr_radius);
if (Det > 0) {
d -= sqrtf(Det);
if (d > 0 && d < dist)
dist = d;
return true;
return false;
bool Sphere::intersect_all(const Ray &ray, Float dist, vector<Float> &allts)
//allts = new vector<Float>();
Vector3 V = ((Ray)ray).o - center;
Float Vd = - dot(V, ray.dir);
Float Det = Vd * Vd - (dot(V,V) - sqr_radius);
if (Det > 0) {
Det = sqrtf(Det);
Float t1 = Vd - Det;
Float t2 = Vd + Det;
if (t1 < 0)
if (t2 > 0)
// ray from inside of the sphere
return true;
return false;
return true;
return false;
BBox Sphere::get_bbox()
BBox bbox = BBox();
bbox.L = center - radius;
bbox.H = center + radius;
return bbox;
bool Box::intersect(const Ray &ray, Float &dist)
Float a,b;
bool res = get_bbox().intersect(ray, a, b);
if (res && a < dist)
dist = a;
return true;
return false;
Vector3 Box::normal(Vector3 &P)
Vector3 N;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (P.cell[i] >= L.cell[i]-Eps && P.cell[i] <= L.cell[i]+Eps)
//if (P.cell[i] == L.cell[i])
N.cell[i] = -1.0;
if (P.cell[i] >= H.cell[i]-Eps && P.cell[i] <= H.cell[i]+Eps)
//if (P.cell[i] == H.cell[i])
N.cell[i] = +1.0;
return N;
// this initialization and following intersection methods implements
// Fast Triangle Intersection algorithm from
Triangle::Triangle(const Vector3 &aA, const Vector3 &aB, const Vector3 &aC, Material *amaterial)
: A(aA), B(aB), C(aC)
material = amaterial;
Vector3 c = B - A;
Vector3 b = C - A;
N = cross(c, b);
if (fabsf(N.x) > fabsf(N.y))
if (fabsf(N.x) > fabsf(N.z))
k = 0;
k = 2;
if (fabsf(N.y) > fabsf(N.z))
k = 1;
k = 2;
int u = (k + 1) % 3;
int v = (k + 2) % 3;
Float krec = 1.0f / N[k];
nu = N[u] * krec;
nv = N[v] * krec;
nd = dot(N, A) * krec;
// first line equation
Float reci = 1.0f / (b[u] * c[v] - b[v] * c[u]);
bnu = b[u] * reci;
bnv = -b[v] * reci;
// second line equation
cnu = c[v] * reci;
cnv = -c[u] * reci;
// finalize normal
// see comment for previous method
bool Triangle::intersect(const Ray &ray, Float &dist)
Vector3 O = ray.o;
Vector3 D = ray.dir;
const int modulo3[5] = {0,1,2,0,1};
const int ku = modulo3[k+1];
const int kv = modulo3[k+2];
const Float lnd = 1.0f / (D[k] + nu * D[ku] + nv * D[kv]);
const Float t = (nd - O[k] - nu * O[ku] - nv * O[kv]) * lnd;
if (!(t < dist && t > 0))
return false;
Float hu = O[ku] + t * D[ku] - A[ku];
Float hv = O[kv] + t * D[kv] - A[kv];
Float beta = hv * bnu + hu * bnv;
if (beta < 0)
return false;
Float gamma = hu * cnu + hv * cnv;
if (gamma < 0)
return false;
if ((beta + gamma) > 1)
return false;
dist = t;
return true;
BBox Triangle::get_bbox()
BBox bbox = BBox();
bbox.L = A;
if (B.x < bbox.L.x) bbox.L.x = B.x;
if (C.x < bbox.L.x) bbox.L.x = C.x;
if (B.y < bbox.L.y) bbox.L.y = B.y;
if (C.y < bbox.L.y) bbox.L.y = C.y;
if (B.z < bbox.L.z) bbox.L.z = B.z;
if (C.z < bbox.L.z) bbox.L.z = C.z;
bbox.H = A;
if (B.x > bbox.H.x) bbox.H.x = B.x;
if (C.x > bbox.H.x) bbox.H.x = C.x;
if (B.y > bbox.H.y) bbox.H.y = B.y;
if (C.y > bbox.H.y) bbox.H.y = C.y;
if (B.z > bbox.H.z) bbox.H.z = B.z;
if (C.z > bbox.H.z) bbox.H.z = C.z;
return bbox;