move shapes to extra source file
add serialize header and source file with common serialization functions
dump/load feature for shapes and kd-tree
fix few minor bugs
* (none known)
Future Plans
* textures (3D procedural, pixmaps)
* generalization: Camera "shader" (ray generator), surface shader and maybe light & background shaders
* namespace
* Python binding for all classes
* stochastic oversampling
* absorbtion of refracted rays in dense materials (can be computed using shape distance and some 'absorbance' constant)
* implement efficient AABB-ray intersection using Plucker coordinates
New Classes?
shapes.h -- Triangle, Sphere
scene.h -- Ray, Light, Camera, Scene
material.h -- Material, Texture
reader.h -- Reader, WavefrontReader
wf = new WavefrontReader()
// more transform&reads
destroy wf
Scene scene -- container with shapes, a camera and lights
scene = new Scene()
scene.setCamera(new Camera(eye, u, v, p))
scene.addLight(new PointLight(pos, color))
constructors have zero or one parameter by default -- the object to copy data from
more parameters -- the data (ray origin and direction)