author Radek Brich <>
Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:38:33 +0200
changeset 78 9569e9f35374
parent 65 242839c6d27d
child 84 6f7fe14782c2
permissions -rw-r--r--
move shapes to extra source file add serialize header and source file with common serialization functions dump/load feature for shapes and kd-tree fix few minor bugs

Import('env lib')
env.Append(CPPPATH = ['.','#include'], LIBPATH='#build/lib')

sdlenv = env.Clone()
sdlenv.ParseConfig('sh sdl-config --cflags --libs')

l = []
image_obj = env.Object('image.c', CC="$CXX")
l.append( image_obj )
l.append( sdlenv.Program(['']) )
l.append( sdlenv.Program(['']) )
l.append( sdlenv.Program(['']) )
l.append( sdlenv.Program(['']+image_obj) )
l.append( sdlenv.Program(['']+image_obj) )

env.Alias('cc-demos', l)