more build script tuning
make all float constants single precision
solve many warnings from msvc and gcc with various -W... flags
add file for dbgmsg() function witch apparently cannot be inlined
fix python module building with msvc, add manifest file handling
remove forgotten RenderrowData class
add stanford models download script for windows (.bat)
vector.h -- vector of three scalars, also used for colour
matrix.h -- matrix class, currently not used
quaternion.h -- quaternion class for camera rotation
container.h -- container for shapes, base class for octree and kd-tree
octree.h -- Octree space subdivision structure for acceleration of ray-shape intersection search
kdtree.h -- KdTree space subdivision structure
scene.h -- scene objects: Ray, Light, Camera and shapes
raytracer.h -- ray tracer class
common.h -- Float definition (float/double) and some helper functions
Container Usage
(Container|Octree|KdTree) top;
scene.setTop(top) // top object in hierarchy
top.optimize() // build optimization structure
Rework camera
Sampler - generate points in screen plane
Camera - transform point from sampler to a ray