more build script tuning
make all float constants single precision
solve many warnings from msvc and gcc with various -W... flags
add file for dbgmsg() function witch apparently cannot be inlined
fix python module building with msvc, add manifest file handling
remove forgotten RenderrowData class
add stanford models download script for windows (.bat)
+ − #include "raytracer.h"
+ − #include "kdtree.h"
+ −
+ − #include "common_sdl.h"
+ −
+ − Camera cam(Vector(0.0f,6.0f,6.0f), Vector(0.0f,2.0f,-7.0f), Vector(0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f));
+ − Light light(Vector(-2.0f, 10.0f, -2.0f), Colour(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f));
+ −
+ − Float lx, ly, lz, cf;
+ −
+ − void update_callback(Float*)
+ − {
+ − if (lx != 0.0)
+ − light.pos.x += lx;
+ − if (ly != 0.0)
+ − light.pos.y += ly;
+ − if (lz != 0.0)
+ − light.pos.z += lz;
+ − if (cf != 0.0)
+ − cam.setF(cam.getF() + cf);
+ − }
+ −
+ − void key_callback(int key, int down)
+ − {
+ − switch (key)
+ − {
+ − case SDLK_r:
+ − lx = -0.1f * down;
+ − break;
+ − case SDLK_t:
+ − lx = +0.1f * down;
+ − break;
+ − case SDLK_f:
+ − ly = -0.1f * down;
+ − break;
+ − case SDLK_g:
+ − ly = +0.1f * down;
+ − break;
+ − case SDLK_v:
+ − lz = -0.1f * down;
+ − break;
+ − case SDLK_b:
+ − lz = +0.1f * down;
+ − break;
+ −
+ − case SDLK_z:
+ − cf = -0.02f * down;
+ − break;
+ − case SDLK_x:
+ − cf = +0.02f * down;
+ − break;
+ − }
+ − }
+ −
+ − int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ − {
+ − Raytracer rt;
+ −
+ − KdTree top;
+ − rt.setCamera(&cam);
+ − rt.setTop(&top);
+ −
+ − rt.addLight(&light);
+ − light.castShadows(false);
+ −
+ − const Colour c_white(1, 1, 1);
+ − const Colour c_black(0, 0, 0);
+ −
+ − Material mat0a(Colour(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f));
+ − mat0a.setReflectivity(0.0f);
+ − Box box(Vector(-12.0f, -1.2f, -20.0f), Vector(12.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), &mat0a);
+ − rt.addShape(&box);
+ −
+ − Material mat0b(Colour(0.1f, 0.7f, 0.8f));
+ − mat0b.setReflectivity(0.7f);
+ − Box box2(Vector(-12.0f, -1.2f, -10.0f), Vector(12.0f, 10.0f, -10.2f), &mat0b);
+ − rt.addShape(&box2);
+ −
+ − Float bounds[] = {0.3f, 0.6f, 1.1f};
+ − Colour colours[] = {c_black, c_white, c_black};
+ − BoundColourMap cmap(bounds, colours);
+ −
+ − // spheres
+ − Material mat1(c_white);
+ − mat1.texture = new CheckersTexture(new PlanarMap(Vector(-4.5f, 2.0f, -7.0f), 0.48f), &cmap);
+ − Sphere sphere1(Vector(-4.5f, 2.0f, -7.0f), 1, &mat1);
+ − rt.addShape(&sphere1);
+ −
+ − Material mat2(c_white);
+ − mat2.texture = new CheckersTexture(new CubicMap(Vector(-1.5f, 2.0f, -7.0f), 0.48f), &cmap);
+ − Sphere sphere2(Vector(-1.5f, 2.0f, -7.0f), 1, &mat2);
+ − rt.addShape(&sphere2);
+ −
+ − Material mat3(c_white);
+ − mat3.texture = new CheckersTexture(new CylinderMap(Vector(1.5f, 2.0f, -7.0f), 0.48f), &cmap);
+ − Sphere sphere3(Vector(1.5f, 2.0f, -7.0f), 1, &mat3);
+ − rt.addShape(&sphere3);
+ −
+ − Material mat4(c_white);
+ − mat4.texture = new CheckersTexture(new SphereMap(Vector(4.5f, 2.0f, -7.0f), 0.48f), &cmap);
+ − Sphere sphere4(Vector(4.5f, 2.0f, -7.0f), 1, &mat4);
+ − rt.addShape(&sphere4);
+ −
+ − // cubes
+ − Material mat5(c_white);
+ − const Vector cube1_base(-4.5f, 0.0f, -7.0f);
+ − mat5.texture = new CheckersTexture(new PlanarMap(cube1_base, 0.48f), &cmap);
+ − Box cube1(cube1_base - 1.0f, cube1_base + 1.0f, &mat5);
+ − rt.addShape(&cube1);
+ −
+ − Material mat6(c_white);
+ − const Vector cube2_base(-1.5f, 0.0f, -7.0f);
+ − mat6.texture = new CheckersTexture(new CubicMap(cube2_base, 0.48f), &cmap);
+ − Box cube2(cube2_base - 1.0f, cube2_base + 1.0f, &mat6);
+ − rt.addShape(&cube2);
+ −
+ − Material mat7(c_white);
+ − const Vector cube3_base(1.5f, 0.0f, -7.0f);
+ − mat7.texture = new CheckersTexture(new CylinderMap(cube3_base, 0.48f), &cmap);
+ − Box cube3(cube3_base - 1.0f, cube3_base + 1.0f, &mat7);
+ − rt.addShape(&cube3);
+ −
+ − Material mat8(c_white);
+ − const Vector cube4_base(4.5f, 0.0f, -7.0f);
+ − mat8.texture = new CheckersTexture(new SphereMap(cube4_base, 0.48f), &cmap);
+ − Box cube4(cube4_base - 1.0f, cube4_base + 1.0f, &mat8);
+ − rt.addShape(&cube4);
+ −
+ − mat1.setReflectivity(0);
+ − mat2.setReflectivity(0);
+ − mat3.setReflectivity(0);
+ − mat4.setReflectivity(0);
+ − mat5.setReflectivity(0);
+ − mat6.setReflectivity(0);
+ − mat7.setReflectivity(0);
+ − mat8.setReflectivity(0);
+ −
+ − top.optimize();
+ −
+ − w = 1024;
+ − h = 600;
+ −
+ − /* run interactive mode */
+ − loop_sdl(rt, cam, update_callback, key_callback);
+ −
+ − /* render image */
+ − if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-r"))
+ − {
+ − pyrit_verbosity = 2;
+ − rt.ambientOcclusion(300, 5.0f, 0.5f);
+ − DefaultSampler sampler(w, h);
+ − sampler.setOversample(2);
+ − sampler.setSubsample(1);
+ − rt.setSampler(&sampler);
+ − rt.render();
+ − sampler.getPixmap().writePNG("textures.png");
+ − }
+ −
+ − return 0;
+ − }