more build script tuning
make all float constants single precision
solve many warnings from msvc and gcc with various -W... flags
add file for dbgmsg() function witch apparently cannot be inlined
fix python module building with msvc, add manifest file handling
remove forgotten RenderrowData class
add stanford models download script for windows (.bat)
# LightWave .lwo file loaderfrom math import *from struct import *from pyrit import Triangle, NormalVertex, Materialfrom vector import dotdef read_int4(f): return unpack('>i',[0]def read_int2(f): return unpack('>h',[0]def read_float4(f): return unpack('>f',[0]def read_string(f): res = '' b = l = 1 while ( b != '\0' ): res += b b = l += 1 if (l % 2 != 0): l += 1 return (res,l)def read_chunk(f): ID = if (ID == ''): return ('',0) size = read_int4(f) return (ID, size)def read_subchunk(f): ID = size = read_int2(f) return (ID, size)def read_lwo(filename): points = [] faces = [] tags = [] surfaces = [] f = file(filename, 'rb') (ID,size) = read_chunk(f) form = if (ID != 'FORM' or form != 'LWOB'): print 'unknown format' return (ID,size) = read_chunk(f) while (ID != ''): #print ID,size if (ID == 'PNTS'): while (size > 0): p1 = read_float4(f) p2 = read_float4(f) p3 = read_float4(f) points.append((p1,p2,p3)) size -= 12 elif (ID == 'SRFS'): while (size > 0): (s,l) = read_string(f) size -= l tags.append(s) elif (ID == 'POLS'): while (size > 0): vertex_count = read_int2(f) size -= 2 inds = [] for i in range(vertex_count): index = read_int2(f) inds.append(index) size -= 2 surf = read_int2(f) size -= 2 if surf < 0: # detail polygons surf = abs(surf) count = read_int2(f) size -= 2 # ... FIXME #print size, vertex_count if vertex_count >= 3: faces.append([inds[0], inds[1], inds[2], surf]) i = 0 while (vertex_count > 3): faces.append([inds[0], inds[2+i], inds[3+i], surf]) vertex_count -= 1 i += 1 elif (ID == 'SURF'): (name,l) = read_string(f) size -= l surf = {} while (size > 0): (subID,subsize) = read_subchunk(f) size -= 6 if (subID == 'COLR'): col = surf['color'] = (unpack('BBB',col[:3])) elif (subID == 'FLAG'): flags = read_int2(f) surf['luminous'] = (flags >> 0) & 1; surf['outline'] = (flags >> 1) & 1; surf['smooth'] = (flags >> 2) & 1; surf['color-highlights'] = (flags >> 3) & 1; surf['color-filter'] = (flags >> 4) & 1; surf['opaque-edge'] = (flags >> 5) & 1; surf['transparent-edge'] = (flags >> 6) & 1; surf['sharp-terminator'] = (flags >> 7) & 1; surf['double-sided'] = (flags >> 8) & 1; surf['additive'] = (flags >> 9) & 1; # Base Shading (float) elif (subID == 'VDIF'): surf['diffuse'] = read_float4(f) elif (subID == 'VSPC'): surf['specular'] = read_float4(f) elif (subID == 'VRFL'): surf['reflection'] = read_float4(f) elif (subID == 'VTRN'): surf['transparency'] = read_float4(f) # Base Shading (short) elif (subID == 'DIFF'): if not surf.has_key('diffuse'): surf['diffuse'] = read_int2(f)/255. elif (subID == 'SPEC'): if not surf.has_key('specular'): surf['specular'] = read_int2(f)/255. elif (subID == 'REFL'): if not surf.has_key('reflection'): surf['reflection'] = read_int2(f)/255. elif (subID == 'TRAN'): if not surf.has_key('transparency'): surf['transparency'] = read_int2(f)/255. elif (subID == 'RIND'): surf['refractive-index'] = read_float4(f) elif (subID == 'GLOS'): surf['glossiness'] = read_int2(f) elif (subID == 'SMAN'): surf['smoothing-max-angle'] = read_float4(f) else: print "Warning: SURF sub chunk", subID,"("+str(subsize),"B) ignored" size -= subsize surfaces.append(surf) else: print "Warning: chunk", ID,"("+str(size),"B) ignored" (ID,size) = read_chunk(f) return (points, faces, tags, surfaces)def LoadLightwaveLwoFile(rt, filename, scale=(1,1,1), trans=(0,0,0)): if (type(scale) == float or type(scale) == int): scale = (scale,)*3 (points, faces, tags, surfaces) = read_lwo(filename) vertices = [] normals = [] vertex_faces = [] materials = [] for surf in surfaces: mat = Material(colour=tuple(float(x)/255. for x in surf['color'])) if surf.has_key('smooth'): mat.setSmooth(surf['smooth']) diff = 1. if surf.has_key('diffuse'): diff = surf['diffuse'] spec = 0. if surf.has_key('specular'): spec = surf['specular'] gloss = 1.0 if surf.has_key('glossiness'): gloss = surf['glossiness'] mat.setPhong(0.1, diff, spec, gloss) refl = 0. if surf.has_key('reflection'): refl = surf['reflection'] mat.setReflectivity(refl) transp = 0. if surf.has_key('transparency'): transp = surf['transparency'] rindex = 1.0 if surf.has_key('refractive-index'): rindex = surf['refractive-index'] mat.setTransmissivity(transp, rindex) materials.append(mat) for point in points: v0 = scale[0]*point[0] + trans[0] v1 = scale[1]*point[1] + trans[1] v2 = scale[2]*point[2] + trans[2] vertices.append(NormalVertex((v2,v1,v0))) normals.append([0.,0.,0.]) vertex_faces.append([]) for f in faces: for x in f[0:3]: vertex_faces[x].append(f) # interpolate normals at vertices num = 0 for vfaces in vertex_faces: vert = vertices[num] edges = {} N = [0,0,0] for f in vfaces: for fvert in f[0:3]: if edges.has_key(str(fvert)): edges[str(fvert)].append(f) else: edges[str(fvert)] = [f] for f in vfaces: vv = [vertices[x] for x in f[0:3]] fN = Triangle(vv[0], vv[1], vv[2], materials[f[3]-1]).getNormal() for i in range(3): N[i] += fN[i] surf = surfaces[f[3]-1] if not surf.has_key('smoothing-max-angle'): continue fNvert = list(fN) Ncount = 1 copy_vertex = False for fvert in f[0:3]: for ef in edges[str(fvert)]: if ef == f: continue # f - ref. face; ef - other face vv = [vertices[x] for x in ef[0:3]] efN = Triangle(vv[0], vv[1], vv[2], materials[ef[3]-1]).getNormal() d = dot(fN, efN) if d > 1: d = 1 if d < -1: d = -1 if acos(d) < surf['smoothing-max-angle']: for i in range(3): fNvert[i] += efN[i] Ncount += 1 else: copy_vertex = True # here fNvert is normal for num'th vertex in face f if copy_vertex: for i in range(3): fNvert[i] /= Ncount new_vert = NormalVertex(vert) new_vert.setNormal(tuple(fNvert)) f.append(f[0]) f.append(f[1]) f.append(f[2]) vertices.append(new_vert) for i in range(3): if f[i] == num: f[i+4] = len(vertices)-1 if (len(vfaces) > 0): for i in range(3): N[i] /= len(vfaces) vertices[num].setNormal(tuple(N)) num += 1 for f in faces: if len(f) > 4: v = [vertices[x] for x in f[4:7]] else: v = [vertices[x] for x in f[0:3]] matidx = f[3]-1 face = Triangle(v[0], v[1], v[2], materials[matidx]) rt.addShape(face)