add MSVC compiler support, make it default for Windows
new header file simd.h for SSE abstraction and helpers
add mselect pseudo instruction for common or(and(...), andnot(...))
replace many SSE intrinsics with new names
new MemoryPool class (mempool.h) for faster KdNode allocation
remove setMaxDepth() from Octree and KdTree, make max_depth const,
it should be defined in constructor and never changed, change after
building tree would cause error in traversal
modify DefaultSampler to generate nice 2x2 packets of samples for packet tracing
optimize Box and BBox::intersect_packet
add precomputed invdir attribute to RayPacket
scons build system:
check for pthread library on Windows
check for SDL
generate include/config.h with variables detected by scons configuration
move auxiliary files to build/
add sanity checks
add writable operator[] to Vector
# LightWave .lwo file loaderfrom math import *from struct import *from pyrit import Triangle, NormalVertex, Materialfrom vector import dotdef read_int4(f): return unpack('>i',[0]def read_int2(f): return unpack('>h',[0]def read_float4(f): return unpack('>f',[0]def read_string(f): res = '' b = l = 1 while ( b != '\0' ): res += b b = l += 1 if (l % 2 != 0): l += 1 return (res,l)def read_chunk(f): ID = if (ID == ''): return ('',0) size = read_int4(f) return (ID, size)def read_subchunk(f): ID = size = read_int2(f) return (ID, size)def read_lwo(filename): points = [] faces = [] tags = [] surfaces = [] f = file(filename, 'rb') (ID,size) = read_chunk(f) form = if (ID != 'FORM' or form != 'LWOB'): print 'unknown format' return (ID,size) = read_chunk(f) while (ID != ''): #print ID,size if (ID == 'PNTS'): while (size > 0): p1 = read_float4(f) p2 = read_float4(f) p3 = read_float4(f) points.append((p1,p2,p3)) size -= 12 elif (ID == 'SRFS'): while (size > 0): (s,l) = read_string(f) size -= l tags.append(s) elif (ID == 'POLS'): while (size > 0): vertex_count = read_int2(f) size -= 2 inds = [] for i in range(vertex_count): index = read_int2(f) inds.append(index) size -= 2 surf = read_int2(f) size -= 2 if surf < 0: # detail polygons surf = abs(surf) count = read_int2(f) size -= 2 # ... FIXME #print size, vertex_count if vertex_count >= 3: faces.append([inds[0], inds[1], inds[2], surf]) i = 0 while (vertex_count > 3): faces.append([inds[0], inds[2+i], inds[3+i], surf]) vertex_count -= 1 i += 1 elif (ID == 'SURF'): (name,l) = read_string(f) size -= l surf = {} while (size > 0): (subID,subsize) = read_subchunk(f) size -= 6 if (subID == 'COLR'): col = surf['color'] = (unpack('BBB',col[:3])) elif (subID == 'FLAG'): flags = read_int2(f) surf['luminous'] = (flags >> 0) & 1; surf['outline'] = (flags >> 1) & 1; surf['smooth'] = (flags >> 2) & 1; surf['color-highlights'] = (flags >> 3) & 1; surf['color-filter'] = (flags >> 4) & 1; surf['opaque-edge'] = (flags >> 5) & 1; surf['transparent-edge'] = (flags >> 6) & 1; surf['sharp-terminator'] = (flags >> 7) & 1; surf['double-sided'] = (flags >> 8) & 1; surf['additive'] = (flags >> 9) & 1; # Base Shading (float) elif (subID == 'VDIF'): surf['diffuse'] = read_float4(f) elif (subID == 'VSPC'): surf['specular'] = read_float4(f) elif (subID == 'VRFL'): surf['reflection'] = read_float4(f) elif (subID == 'VTRN'): surf['transparency'] = read_float4(f) # Base Shading (short) elif (subID == 'DIFF'): if not surf.has_key('diffuse'): surf['diffuse'] = read_int2(f)/255. elif (subID == 'SPEC'): if not surf.has_key('specular'): surf['specular'] = read_int2(f)/255. elif (subID == 'REFL'): if not surf.has_key('reflection'): surf['reflection'] = read_int2(f)/255. elif (subID == 'TRAN'): if not surf.has_key('transparency'): surf['transparency'] = read_int2(f)/255. elif (subID == 'RIND'): surf['refractive-index'] = read_float4(f) elif (subID == 'GLOS'): surf['glossiness'] = read_int2(f) elif (subID == 'SMAN'): surf['smoothing-max-angle'] = read_float4(f) else: print "Warning: SURF sub chunk", subID,"("+str(subsize),"B) ignored" size -= subsize surfaces.append(surf) else: print "Warning: chunk", ID,"("+str(size),"B) ignored" (ID,size) = read_chunk(f) return (points, faces, tags, surfaces)def LoadLightwaveLwoFile(rt, filename, scale=(1,1,1), trans=(0,0,0)): if (type(scale) == float or type(scale) == int): scale = (scale,)*3 (points, faces, tags, surfaces) = read_lwo(filename) vertices = [] normals = [] vertex_faces = [] materials = [] for surf in surfaces: mat = Material(colour=tuple(float(x)/255. for x in surf['color'])) if surf.has_key('smooth'): mat.setSmooth(surf['smooth']) diff = 1. if surf.has_key('diffuse'): diff = surf['diffuse'] spec = 0. if surf.has_key('specular'): spec = surf['specular'] gloss = 1.0 if surf.has_key('glossiness'): gloss = surf['glossiness'] mat.setPhong(0.1, diff, spec, gloss) refl = 0. if surf.has_key('reflection'): refl = surf['reflection'] mat.setReflectivity(refl) transp = 0. if surf.has_key('transparency'): transp = surf['transparency'] rindex = 1.0 if surf.has_key('refractive-index'): rindex = surf['refractive-index'] mat.setTransmissivity(transp, rindex) materials.append(mat) for point in points: v0 = scale[0]*point[0] + trans[0] v1 = scale[1]*point[1] + trans[1] v2 = scale[2]*point[2] + trans[2] vertices.append(NormalVertex((v2,v1,v0))) normals.append([0.,0.,0.]) vertex_faces.append([]) for f in faces: for x in f[0:3]: vertex_faces[x].append(f) # interpolate normals at vertices num = 0 for vfaces in vertex_faces: vert = vertices[num] edges = {} N = [0,0,0] for f in vfaces: for fvert in f[0:3]: if edges.has_key(str(fvert)): edges[str(fvert)].append(f) else: edges[str(fvert)] = [f] for f in vfaces: vv = [vertices[x] for x in f[0:3]] fN = Triangle(vv[0], vv[1], vv[2], materials[f[3]-1]).getNormal() for i in range(3): N[i] += fN[i] surf = surfaces[f[3]-1] if not surf.has_key('smoothing-max-angle'): continue fNvert = list(fN) Ncount = 1 copy_vertex = False for fvert in f[0:3]: for ef in edges[str(fvert)]: if ef == f: continue # f - ref. face; ef - other face vv = [vertices[x] for x in ef[0:3]] efN = Triangle(vv[0], vv[1], vv[2], materials[ef[3]-1]).getNormal() d = dot(fN, efN) if d > 1: d = 1 if d < -1: d = -1 if acos(d) < surf['smoothing-max-angle']: for i in range(3): fNvert[i] += efN[i] Ncount += 1 else: copy_vertex = True # here fNvert is normal for num'th vertex in face f if copy_vertex: for i in range(3): fNvert[i] /= Ncount new_vert = NormalVertex(vert) new_vert.setNormal(tuple(fNvert)) f.append(f[0]) f.append(f[1]) f.append(f[2]) vertices.append(new_vert) for i in range(3): if f[i] == num: f[i+4] = len(vertices)-1 if (len(vfaces) > 0): for i in range(3): N[i] /= len(vfaces) vertices[num].setNormal(tuple(N)) num += 1 for f in faces: if len(f) > 4: v = [vertices[x] for x in f[4:7]] else: v = [vertices[x] for x in f[0:3]] matidx = f[3]-1 face = Triangle(v[0], v[1], v[2], materials[matidx]) rt.addShape(face)