add MSVC compiler support, make it default for Windows
new header file simd.h for SSE abstraction and helpers
add mselect pseudo instruction for common or(and(...), andnot(...))
replace many SSE intrinsics with new names
new MemoryPool class (mempool.h) for faster KdNode allocation
remove setMaxDepth() from Octree and KdTree, make max_depth const,
it should be defined in constructor and never changed, change after
building tree would cause error in traversal
modify DefaultSampler to generate nice 2x2 packets of samples for packet tracing
optimize Box and BBox::intersect_packet
add precomputed invdir attribute to RayPacket
scons build system:
check for pthread library on Windows
check for SDL
generate include/config.h with variables detected by scons configuration
move auxiliary files to build/
add sanity checks
add writable operator[] to Vector
/* * material.h: material and texture classes * * This file is part of Pyrit Ray Tracer. * * Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 Radek Brich * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */#ifndef MATERIAL_H#define MATERIAL_H#include "common.h"#include "vector.h"#include "pixmap.h"/** * perlin noise */Float perlin(Float x, Float y, Float z);/** * general texture */class Texture{public: virtual ~Texture() {}; virtual Colour evaluate(const Vector &point) = 0;};/** * general colour map */class ColourMap{public: virtual ~ColourMap() {}; virtual Colour map(const Float &val) = 0;};/** * linear colour map * maps value lineary between two colours */class LinearColourMap: public ColourMap{ Colour col,cdiff;public: LinearColourMap(const Colour &clow, const Colour &chigh): col(clow), cdiff(chigh-clow) {}; Colour map(const Float &val) { return col + cdiff*val; };};/** * bound colour map * initialize with two arrays, bounds and colours, of same size * bounds must contain numbers between 0 and 1 in rising order, * last number should be larger than max 'val' * colours are mapped to slices between bounds (with zero being * implicit bottom bound) */class BoundColourMap: public ColourMap{ Float *bounds; Colour *colours;public: BoundColourMap(Float *abounds, Colour *acolours): bounds(abounds), colours(acolours) {}; Colour map(const Float &val) { Float *b = bounds; Colour *c = colours; while (val > *b) { b++; c++; } return *c; };};/** * general texture mapping */class TextureMap{protected: Vector center; Float invsize;public: TextureMap(const Vector &acenter, const Float &size): center(acenter), invsize(1.0f/size) {}; virtual ~TextureMap() {}; virtual void map(const Vector &point, Float &u, Float &v) = 0;};/** * planar mapping */class PlanarMap: public TextureMap{public: PlanarMap(const Vector &acenter, const Float &size): TextureMap(acenter, size) {}; void map(const Vector &point, Float &u, Float &v) { const Vector p = point - center; u = p.x*invsize; v = p.y*invsize; };};/** * cubic mapping */class CubicMap: public TextureMap{public: CubicMap(const Vector &acenter, const Float &size): TextureMap(acenter, size) {}; void map(const Vector &point, Float &u, Float &v) { const Vector p = point - center; if (fabs(p.x) > fabs(p.y)) { if (fabs(p.x) > fabs(p.z)) { if (p.x < 0) u = -p.y; else u = p.y; v = p.z; } else { if (p.z < 0) u = -p.x; else u = p.x; v = p.y; } } else { if (fabs(p.y) > fabs(p.z)) { if (p.y < 0) u = -p.x; else u = p.x; v = p.z; } else { if (p.z < 0) u = -p.x; else u = p.x; v = p.y; } } u = u*invsize; v = v*invsize; };};/** * cylindrical mapping */class CylinderMap: public TextureMap{public: CylinderMap(const Vector &acenter, const Float &size): TextureMap(acenter, size) {}; void map(const Vector &point, Float &u, Float &v) { const Vector p = point - center; u = ( M_PI + atan2(p.z, p.x) ) * invsize; v = p.y * invsize; };};/** * spherical mapping */class SphereMap: public TextureMap{public: SphereMap(const Vector &acenter, const Float &size): TextureMap(acenter, size) {}; void map(const Vector &point, Float &u, Float &v) { const Vector p = point - center; u = ( M_PI + atan2(p.z, p.x) ) * invsize; v = acos(p.y / p.mag()) * invsize; };};/** * general 2D texture */class Texture2D: public Texture{protected: TextureMap *map;public: Texture2D(TextureMap *amap): map(amap) {};};/** * 2D image texture */class ImageTexture: public Texture2D{ Pixmap *pixmap;public: ImageTexture(TextureMap *tmap, Pixmap *image): Texture2D(tmap), pixmap(image) {}; Colour evaluate(const Vector &point) { Float u,v; map->map(point, u,v); u = u - 0.5f; u -= floor(u); v = -(v - 0.5f); v -= floor(v); return pixmap->get((int)(u*pixmap->getWidth()), (int)(v*pixmap->getHeight())); };};/** * 2D checkers texture */class CheckersTexture: public Texture2D{ ColourMap *colourmap;public: CheckersTexture(TextureMap *tmap, ColourMap *cmap): Texture2D(tmap), colourmap(cmap) {}; Colour evaluate(const Vector &point) { Float u,v, val; map->map(point, u,v); val = 0.5f*(floor(0.5f + u - floor(u)) + floor(0.5f + v - floor(v))); return colourmap->map(val); };};/** * 3D perlin cloud texture */class CloudTexture: public Texture{ Float detail; ColourMap *colourmap;public: CloudTexture(const Float &adetail, ColourMap *cmap): detail(adetail), colourmap(cmap) {}; Colour evaluate(const Vector &point) { Float sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i < detail; i++) sum += fabs(perlin(point.x*i, point.y*i, point.z*i))/i; //Float value = sinf(point.x + sum)/2 + 0.5; return colourmap->map(sum); };};/** * material */class Material{public: Colour colour; Texture *texture; Float ambient, diffuse, specular, shininess; // Phong constants Float reflectivity; // how much reflective is the surface Float transmissivity, refract_index; // part of light which can be refracted; index of refraction bool smooth; // triangle smoothing Material(const Colour &acolour): colour(acolour), texture(NULL), smooth(false) { ambient = 0.2f; diffuse = 0.8f; specular = 0.2f; shininess = 0.5f; reflectivity = 0.2f; transmissivity = 0.0f; refract_index = 1.3f; } void setPhong(const Float amb, const Float dif, const Float spec, const Float shin) { ambient = amb; diffuse = dif; specular = spec; shininess = shin; }; void setReflectivity(const Float refl) { reflectivity = refl; }; void setTransmissivity(const Float trans, const Float rindex) { transmissivity = trans; refract_index = rindex; }; void setSmooth(bool sm) { smooth = sm; }; void setTexture(Texture *tex) { texture = tex; };};#endif