packetize Phong shader
new scons config options:
simd=(yes|no) - allow/suppress explicit SSE
force_flags=(yes|no) - force use of specified flags instead of autodetected
profile=(yes|no) - enable gcc's profiling (-pg option)
check for pthread.h header, don't try to build without it
add fourth Vector3 component for better memory aligning
rename Vector3 to Vector
partialy SSE-ize Vector class (only fully vertical operations)
build static lib and python module in distinctive directories
to avoid collision of library file names on some platforms
Pyrit Ray Tracer
File Organization
/bin -- output directory for binary objects
/ccdemos -- ray tracer demos in C++
/demos -- ray tracer demos in Python
/include -- header files
/models -- common models for use by demos
/src -- ray tracing library source code
/tests -- test programs for classes
Classes organization throughout header files is explained in DEVNOTES.
Type 'scons all' to build everything and 'scons -h' for list of targets.
pthreads (see bellow)
Python 2.4 or newer for Python module and demos
PIL (Python Imaging Library) for Python demos
SDL for interactive C++ demos
libpng and zlib for rendering to PNG file from C++ demos
Threads can be used to render rows of picture paralelly. Arbitrary number
of threads can be used, even numbers like 17 are acceptable.
To completely disable this feature just remove "-DPTHREADS -pthreads"
from flags in makefile.
For Windows + Mingw32, get pthreads library here:
This software is published under terms of MIT license.
See COPYING for full text of license.
Latest version can be obtained at