new virtual Shape::intersect_bbox
implementation of triangle-AABB intersection
octree building updated and simplified with help of this new method
octree made default for Python, it's currently much faster than kd-tree (both building and traversal)
+ − /*
+ − * Pyrit Ray Tracer
+ − * file:
+ − *
+ − * Radek Brich, 2006-2007
+ − */
+ −
+ − #include "common.h"
+ − #include "container.h"
+ −
+ − void Container::addShape(Shape* aShape)
+ − {
+ − shapes.push_back(aShape);
+ − if (shapes.size() == 0) {
+ − /* initialize bounding box */
+ − bbox = aShape->get_bbox();
+ − } else {
+ − /* adjust bounding box */
+ − BBox shapebb = aShape->get_bbox();
+ − if (shapebb.L.x < bbox.L.x) bbox.L.x = shapebb.L.x;
+ − if (shapebb.L.y < bbox.L.y) bbox.L.y = shapebb.L.y;
+ − if (shapebb.L.z < bbox.L.z) bbox.L.z = shapebb.L.z;
+ − if (shapebb.H.x > bbox.H.x) bbox.H.x = shapebb.H.x;
+ − if (shapebb.H.y > bbox.H.y) bbox.H.y = shapebb.H.y;
+ − if (shapebb.H.z > bbox.H.z) bbox.H.z = shapebb.H.z;
+ − }
+ − };
+ −
+ − Shape *Container::nearest_intersection(const Shape *origin_shape, const Ray &ray,
+ − Float &nearest_distance)
+ − {
+ − Shape *nearest_shape = NULL;
+ − ShapeList::iterator shape;
+ − for (shape = shapes.begin(); shape != shapes.end(); shape++)
+ − if (*shape != origin_shape && (*shape)->intersect(ray, nearest_distance))
+ − nearest_shape = *shape;
+ − return nearest_shape;
+ − }