build script fixes, add ldflags build option
update and enhance demos
fix bug in 4x grid oversampling
warn if writePNG called while compiled without libpng
make shapes in ShapeList const
and add many other const needed due to snowball effect
slightly optimize Camera::makeRayPacket using _mm_shuffle_ps
make Vector SIMD vectorization disabled by default (causes problems)
fix bug in implicit reflection of transmissive surfaces,
when surface's reflection parameter is set to zero
#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <iomanip>void load_ply(Raytracer &rt, const char *filename, Material *mat, const Vector &scale, const Vector &transp){ MemoryPool<Triangle> *mp_tri; MemoryPool<NormalVertex> *mp_vert; vector<NormalVertex*> vertices; vector<int> vertex_face_num; Vector *normals; ifstream f(filename); string token = "a"; if (!f.is_open()) { cout << "File not found: " << filename <<endl; exit(1); } // read header int vertex_num, face_num; while (token != "end_header") { f >> token; if (token == "element") { f >> token; if (token == "vertex") f >> vertex_num; if (token == "face") f >> face_num; } f.ignore(1000,'\n'); } // read vertices Vector P; int num = vertex_num; mp_vert = new MemoryPool<NormalVertex>(vertex_num); normals = new Vector[vertex_num]; while (num--) { f >> P.x >> P.y >> P.z; P.x = scale.x*P.x + transp.x; P.y = scale.y*P.y + transp.y; P.z = scale.z*P.z + transp.z; vertices.push_back(new (mp_vert->alloc()) NormalVertex(P)); vertex_face_num.push_back(0); f.ignore(1000,'\n'); } // read faces Triangle *face; int v1, v2, v3; mp_tri = new MemoryPool<Triangle>(face_num); while (face_num--) { f >> num; if (num != 3) { printf("ply error: faces of %d vertices not supported", num); continue; } f >> v1 >> v2 >> v3; // check for invalid faces and ignore them if (vertices[v1]->P == vertices[v2]->P || vertices[v1]->P == vertices[v3]->P || vertices[v2]->P == vertices[v3]->P) { f.ignore(1000,'\n'); continue; } face = new (mp_tri->alloc()) Triangle(vertices[v1], vertices[v3], vertices[v2], mat); rt.addShape(face); normals[v1] += face->getNormal();; normals[v2] += face->getNormal();; normals[v3] += face->getNormal();; f.ignore(1000,'\n'); } for (int i = 0; i < vertex_num; i++) if ( { normals[i] /= (Float); normals[i].normalize();>N = normals[i]; } delete[] normals; f.close();}