build script: updated for latest SCons, moved config.h to build/, help and clean targets does not run configure any more, fixed GCC check, added check for zlib
# Stanford .ply file loaderfrom pyrit import Triangle, NormalVertexdef LoadStanfordPlyFile(rt, filename, mat, scale=(1,1,1), trans=(0,0,0)): if (type(scale) == float or type(scale) == int): scale = (scale,)*3 vertices = [] normals = [] vertex_face_num = [] fp = file(filename) # read header tokens = (0,) while (tokens[0] != "end_header"): tokens = fp.readline().split() if (tokens[0] == "element"): if (tokens[1] == "vertex"): vertex_num = int(tokens[2]) if (tokens[1] == "face"): face_num = int(tokens[2]) # read vertices num = vertex_num while (num): tokens = fp.readline().split() v = [float(x) for x in tokens[0:3]] v[0] = scale[0]*v[0] + trans[0] v[1] = scale[1]*v[1] + trans[1] v[2] = scale[2]*v[2] + trans[2] vertices.append(NormalVertex(tuple(v))) normals.append([0.,0.,0.]) vertex_face_num.append(0) num -= 1 # read faces num = face_num while (num): tokens = fp.readline().split() if (tokens[0] != "3"): print "ply warning: faces of %d vertices not supported" % tokens[0] v = [vertices[int(x)] for x in tokens[1:4]] face = Triangle(v[0], v[2], v[1], mat) n = face.getNormal() for x in tokens[1:4]: for i in range(3): normals[int(x)][i] += n[i] vertex_face_num[int(x)] += 1 rt.addShape(face) num -= 1 # interpolate normals at vertices num = 0 while (num < vertex_num): if (vertex_face_num[num] > 0): for i in range(3): normals[num][i] /= vertex_face_num[num] vertices[num].setNormal(tuple(normals[num])) num += 1 return face_num