smooth triangles (aka Phong shading)
extend Python binding to support vertex normals and smooth triangles
make and realtime_dragon smooth, and fix other demos for new triangle constructor
add Vector::operator/=
#!/usr/bin/python# this demo needs buddha model from# syssys.path.append(open('ModulePath').read().strip())from raytracer import Raytracer, Light, Sphere, Triangle, Materialimport Imagedef LoadStanfordPlyFile(rt, mat, filename, scale): vertices = [] fp = file(filename) # read header tokens = (0,) while (tokens[0] != "end_header"): tokens = fp.readline().split() if (tokens[0] == "element"): if (tokens[1] == "vertex"): vertex_num = int(tokens[2]) if (tokens[1] == "face"): face_num = int(tokens[2]) # read vertices while (vertex_num): tokens = fp.readline().split() v = [scale*float(x) for x in tokens[0:3]] v[1] = v[1]-3 vertices.append(tuple(v)) vertex_num -= 1 # read faces while (face_num): tokens = fp.readline().split() if (tokens[0] != "3"): print "ply warning: faces of %d vertices not supported" % tokens[0] f = [vertices[int(x)] for x in tokens[1:4]] face = Triangle(NormalVertex(f[0]), NormalVertex(f[1]), NormalVertex(f[2]), mat) rt.addshape(face) face_num -= 1rt = Raytracer()mat = Material(colour=(0.9, 0.9, 0.9))LoadStanfordPlyFile(rt, mat ,"../models/happy/happy_vrip_res2.ply", 20.0)light = Light(position=(-5.0, 2.0, 8.0), colour=(0.9, 0.3, 0.6))rt.addlight(light)imagesize = (800, 600)data = rt.render(imagesize)img = Image.fromstring("RGB", imagesize, data)'buddha.png')