/** * @file material.h * @brief Material and Texture classes * * This file is part of Pyrit Ray Tracer. * * Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 Radek Brich * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */#ifndef MATERIAL_H#define MATERIAL_H#include "common.h"#include "vector.h"#include "pixmap.h"/** * perlin noise */Float perlin(Float x, Float y, Float z);/** * general texture */class Texture{public: virtual ~Texture() {}; /** evaluate texture colour in the point of space */ virtual Colour evaluate(const Vector &point) = 0;};/** * general colour map */class ColourMap{public: virtual ~ColourMap() {}; /** map float value to colour */ virtual Colour map(const Float &val) = 0;};/** * linear colour map * maps value lineary between two colours */class LinearColourMap: public ColourMap{ Colour col, cdiff;public: LinearColourMap(const Colour &clow, const Colour &chigh): col(clow), cdiff(chigh-clow) {}; Colour map(const Float &val) { return col + cdiff*val; };};/** * bound colour map * initialize with two arrays, bounds and colours, of same size * bounds must contain numbers between 0 and 1 in rising order, * last number should be larger than max 'val' * colours are mapped to slices between bounds (with zero being * implicit bottom bound) */class BoundColourMap: public ColourMap{ Float *bounds; Colour *colours;public: BoundColourMap(Float *abounds, Colour *acolours): bounds(abounds), colours(acolours) {}; Colour map(const Float &val) { Float *b = bounds; Colour *c = colours; while (val > *b) { b++; c++; } return *c; };};/** * general texture mapping */class TextureMap{protected: Vector center; Float invsize;public: /** * texture map constructor * @param[in] acenter central point of texture mapping * @param[in] size Size of the texture. * One world space unit is mapped to one texture size * divided by this number. */ TextureMap(const Vector &acenter, const Float &size): center(acenter), invsize(1.0f/size) {}; virtual ~TextureMap() {}; /** * map 3D space point to 2D u,v coordinates * @param[in] point a point in 3D space * @param[out] u horizontal texture coordinate * @param[out] v vertical texture coordinate */ virtual void map(const Vector &point, Float &u, Float &v) const = 0;};/** * planar mapping */class PlanarMap: public TextureMap{public: PlanarMap(const Vector &acenter, const Float &size): TextureMap(acenter, size) {}; void map(const Vector &point, Float &u, Float &v) const { const Vector p = point - center; u = p.x*invsize; v = p.y*invsize; };};/** * cubic mapping */class CubicMap: public TextureMap{public: CubicMap(const Vector &acenter, const Float &size): TextureMap(acenter, size) {}; void map(const Vector &point, Float &u, Float &v) const { const Vector p = point - center; if (fabs(p.x) > fabs(p.y)) { if (fabs(p.x) > fabs(p.z)) { if (p.x < 0) u = -p.y; else u = p.y; v = p.z; } else { if (p.z < 0) u = -p.x; else u = p.x; v = p.y; } } else { if (fabs(p.y) > fabs(p.z)) { if (p.y < 0) u = -p.x; else u = p.x; v = p.z; } else { if (p.z < 0) u = -p.x; else u = p.x; v = p.y; } } u = u*invsize; v = v*invsize; };};/** * cylindrical mapping */class CylinderMap: public TextureMap{public: CylinderMap(const Vector &acenter, const Float &size): TextureMap(acenter, size) {}; void map(const Vector &point, Float &u, Float &v) const { const Vector p = point - center; u = ( PI + atan2(p.z, p.x) ) * invsize; v = p.y * invsize; };};/** * spherical mapping */class SphereMap: public TextureMap{public: SphereMap(const Vector &acenter, const Float &size): TextureMap(acenter, size) {}; void map(const Vector &point, Float &u, Float &v) const { const Vector p = point - center; u = ( PI + atan2(p.z, p.x) ) * invsize; v = acos(p.y / p.mag()) * invsize; };};/** * general 2D texture */class Texture2D: public Texture{protected: const TextureMap *map;public: Texture2D(const TextureMap *amap): map(amap) {};};/** * 2D image texture */class ImageTexture: public Texture2D{ const Pixmap *pixmap;public: ImageTexture(const TextureMap *tmap, const Pixmap *image): Texture2D(tmap), pixmap(image) {}; Colour evaluate(const Vector &point) { Float u,v; map->map(point, u,v); u = u - 0.5f; u -= floor(u); v = -(v - 0.5f); v -= floor(v); return pixmap->get((int)(u*pixmap->getWidth()), (int)(v*pixmap->getHeight())); };};/** * 2D checkers texture */class CheckersTexture: public Texture2D{ ColourMap *colourmap;public: CheckersTexture(TextureMap *tmap, ColourMap *cmap): Texture2D(tmap), colourmap(cmap) {}; Colour evaluate(const Vector &point) { Float u,v, val; map->map(point, u,v); val = 0.5f*(floor(0.5f + u - floor(u)) + floor(0.5f + v - floor(v))); return colourmap->map(val); };};/** * 3D perlin cloud texture */class CloudTexture: public Texture{ ColourMap *colourmap; Float detail;public: CloudTexture(const Float &adetail, ColourMap *cmap): colourmap(cmap), detail(adetail) {}; Colour evaluate(const Vector &point) { Float sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i < detail; i++) sum += fabs(perlin(point.x*i, point.y*i, point.z*i))/i; //Float value = sinf(point.x + sum)/2 + 0.5; return colourmap->map(sum); };};/** * material */class Material{public: Colour colour; Texture *texture; Float ambient, diffuse, specular, shininess; // Phong constants Float reflectivity; // how much reflective is the surface Float transmissivity, refract_index; // part of light which can be refracted; index of refraction int smooth; // triangle smoothing Material(const Colour &acolour): colour(acolour), texture(NULL), smooth(false) { ambient = 0.2f; diffuse = 0.8f; specular = 0.2f; shininess = 0.5f; reflectivity = 0.2f; transmissivity = 0.0f; refract_index = 1.3f; } /** set Phong parameters */ void setPhong(const Float amb, const Float dif, const Float spec, const Float shin) { ambient = amb; diffuse = dif; specular = spec; shininess = shin; }; /** set fraction of light to be reflected */ void setReflectivity(const Float refl) { reflectivity = refl; }; /** set fraction of light to be refracted * @param[in] trans the transmissivity amount * @param[in] rinde index of refraction */ void setTransmissivity(const Float trans, const Float rindex) { transmissivity = trans; refract_index = rindex; }; /** allow triangle smoothing */ void setSmooth(int sm) { smooth = sm; }; /** set the texture */ void setTexture(Texture *tex) { texture = tex; };};#endif