--- a/README Thu May 15 19:15:57 2008 +0200
+++ b/README Mon May 19 22:59:04 2008 +0200
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
/tests -- test programs for classes
/tools -- auxiliary programs
-Classes organization throughout header files is explained in DEVNOTES.
@@ -37,7 +35,7 @@
Not all models are included in distribution. To download the large
Stanford models, type 'scons download-models', which will download
-end extract the archives to appropriate location.
+and extract the archives to appropriate location.
The download script uses 'tar' and 'wget' utilities.
@@ -48,13 +46,79 @@
-Threads can be used to render rays paralelly. Arbitrary number
+Threads are used to render rays paralelly. Arbitrary number
of threads can be used.
For Windows, get Pthreads library here:
+Python Demos
+All demos render images and write the result to PNG file
+named with same base name as the script.
+Scene is constructed using classes imported from pyrit
+Python module.
+ 512 cubes with reflections and refractions
+ 4x oversampling, two lights, octree
+ glass bunny, ~70k polygons
+ 4x oversampling, two lights, kd-tree
+ low poly car model, LWOB format
+ 9x oversampling, two lights, kd-tree
+ three spheres, sharp shadows
+ 4x oversampling, two lights, kd-tree
+ three spheres, ambient occlussion
+ row of glass spheres
+ 4x oversampling, three lights, kd-tree
+render_nff.py [input.nff] [output.png]
+ renders nff files (http://tog.acm.org/resources/SPD/)
+ reads stdin if no args given
+ older examples using OBJ file format
+C++ Demos
+Compiled interactive demos. Camera can move freely in the scene.
+ one hundred spheres with reflections
+ bunny model (it loads silently, so be patient)
+ "interactive" version of spheres_shadow.py
+ demo of different texture mappings
+Control keys:
+ Up, Down, Left, Right look around
+ w/s forward, backward
+ c print camera coordinates
+ spheres_shadow demo supports also:
+ r/t, f/g, v/b move the light (-x/+x, -y/+y, -z/+z)
+ z/x change camera focal length (-/+)
This software is published under terms of MIT license.