author Radek Brich <>
Fri, 14 Dec 2007 00:05:54 +0100 (2007-12-13)
changeset 37 5f954c0d34fc
parent 36 b490093b0ac3
child 38 5d043eeb09d9
permissions -rw-r--r--
octree traversal rewritten to avoid recursion reenabled -O3 optimizations (was accidentaly disabled, now it traces even faster! :-)) realtime_bunny: added FPS counter, fixed a bug in ply loader min3 and max3 templates added to common.h
 * Pyrit Ray Tracer
 * file:
 * Radek Brich, 2006-2007

#include "octree.h"

	if (shapes != NULL)
		delete shapes;
		delete[] children;

void OctreeNode::subdivide(BBox bbox, int maxdepth)
	if (maxdepth <= 0 || shapes->size() <= 4)

	// make children
	children = new OctreeNode[8];

	// evaluate centres for axes
	const Float xsplit = (bbox.L.x + bbox.H.x)*0.5;
	const Float ysplit = (bbox.L.y + bbox.H.y)*0.5;
	const Float zsplit = (bbox.L.z + bbox.H.z)*0.5;

	// set bounding boxes for children
	BBox childbb[8] = {bbox, bbox, bbox, bbox, bbox, bbox, bbox, bbox};
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		// this is little obfuscated, so on right are listed affected children
		// the idea is to cut every axis once per child, making 8 combinations
		childbb[i].H.x = xsplit;	// 0,1,2,3
		childbb[i+4].L.x = xsplit;  // 4,5,6,7
		childbb[i+(i>>1<<1)].H.y = ysplit;	// 0,1,4,5
		childbb[i+(i>>1<<1)+2].L.y = ysplit;// 2,3,6,7
		childbb[i<<1].H.z = zsplit;		// 0,2,4,6
		childbb[(i<<1)+1].L.z = zsplit; // 1,3,5,7

	// distribute shapes to children
	ShapeList::iterator sh;
	unsigned int shapenum = 0;
	for (sh = shapes->begin(); sh != shapes->end(); sh++)
		for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			if ((*sh)->intersect_bbox(childbb[i]))

	if (shapes->size() <= 8 && shapenum > 2*shapes->size())
		// bad subdivision, revert
		delete[] children;

	// remove shapes and set this node to non-leaf
	delete shapes;
	shapes = NULL;

	// recursive subdivision
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		children[i].subdivide(childbb[i], maxdepth-1);

void Octree::build()
	dbgmsg(1, "* building octree\n");
	root = new OctreeNode();
	ShapeList::iterator shape;
	for (shape = shapes.begin(); shape != shapes.end(); shape++)

	root->subdivide(bbox, max_depth);
	built = true;

octree traversal algorithm as described in paper
"An Efficient Parametric Algorithm for Octree Traversal"
by J. Revelles, C. Urena and M. Lastra.

see revision 37 for original recursive version

struct OctreeTravState
	Float tx0,ty0,tz0,tx1,ty1,tz1,txm,tym,tzm;
	OctreeNode *node;
	int next;
	OctreeTravState() {};
		const Float atx0, const Float aty0, const Float atz0,
		const Float atx1, const Float aty1, const Float atz1,
		const Float atxm, const Float atym, const Float atzm,
		OctreeNode *const anode, const int anext):
		tx0(atx0), ty0(aty0), tz0(atz0), tx1(atx1), ty1(aty1), tz1(atz1),
		txm(atxm), tym(atym), tzm(atzm), node(anode), next(anext) {};

inline const int &next_node(const Float &txm, const int &xnode,
	const Float &tym, const int &ynode, const Float &tzm, const int &znode)
	if (txm < tym)
		if (txm < tzm)
			return xnode;
			return znode;
		if (tym < tzm)
			return ynode;
			return znode;

Shape * Octree::nearest_intersection(const Shape *origin_shape, const Ray &ray,
		Float &nearest_distance)
	/* if we have no tree, fall back to naive test */
	if (!built)
		return Container::nearest_intersection(origin_shape, ray, nearest_distance);

	OctreeTravState st[max_depth+1];
	register OctreeTravState *st_cur = st;

#	define node	st_cur->node
#	define tx0	st_cur->tx0
#	define ty0	st_cur->ty0
#	define tz0	st_cur->tz0
#	define tx1	st_cur->tx1
#	define ty1	st_cur->ty1
#	define tz1	st_cur->tz1
#	define txm	st_cur->txm
#	define tym	st_cur->tym
#	define tzm	st_cur->tzm

	int a = 0;
	Vector3 ro(ray.o);
	Vector3 rdir(1.0/ray.dir.x, 1.0/ray.dir.y, 1.0/ray.dir.z);

	if (rdir.x < 0.0)
		ro.x = (bbox.L.x+bbox.H.x) - ro.x;
		rdir.x = -rdir.x;
		a |= 4;
	if (rdir.y < 0.0)
		ro.y = (bbox.L.y+bbox.H.y) - ro.y;
		rdir.y = -rdir.y;
		a |= 2;
	if (rdir.z < 0.0)
		ro.z = (bbox.L.z+bbox.H.z) - ro.z;
		rdir.z = -rdir.z;
		a |= 1;

	tx0 = (bbox.L.x - ro.x) * rdir.x;
	tx1 = (bbox.H.x - ro.x) * rdir.x;
	ty0 = (bbox.L.y - ro.y) * rdir.y;
	ty1 = (bbox.H.y - ro.y) * rdir.y;
	tz0 = (bbox.L.z - ro.z) * rdir.z;
	tz1 = (bbox.H.z - ro.z) * rdir.z;

	if (max3(tx0,ty0,tz0) > min3(tx1,ty1,tz1))
		return NULL;

	node = root;
	st_cur->next = -1;

	Shape *nearest_shape = NULL;
	while (nearest_shape == NULL)
		if (st_cur->next == -1)
			st_cur->next = 8;

			// if ray does intersect this node
			if (!(tx1 < 0.0 || ty1 < 0.0 || tz1 < 0.0))
				if (node->isLeaf())
					ShapeList::iterator shape;
					register Float mindist = max3(tx0,ty0,tz0);
					/* correct & slow */
					//Float dist = min(min3(tx1,ty1,tz1),nearest_distance);
					/* faster */
					register Float dist = nearest_distance;
					for (shape = node->shapes->begin(); shape != node->shapes->end(); shape++)
						if (*shape != origin_shape && (*shape)->intersect(ray, dist) && dist >= mindist)
							nearest_shape = *shape;
							nearest_distance = dist;
					txm = 0.5 * (tx0+tx1);
					tym = 0.5 * (ty0+ty1);
					tzm = 0.5 * (tz0+tz1);

					// first node
					st_cur->next = 0;
					if (tx0 > ty0)
						if (tx0 > tz0)
						{ // YZ
							if (tym < tx0)
								st_cur->next |= 2;
							if (tzm < tx0)
								st_cur->next |= 1;
						{ // XY
							if (txm < tz0)
								st_cur->next |= 4;
							if (tym < tz0)
								st_cur->next |= 2;
						if (ty0 > tz0)
						{ // XZ
							if (txm < ty0)
								st_cur->next |= 4;
							if (tzm < ty0)
								st_cur->next |= 1;
						{ // XY
							if (txm < tz0)
								st_cur->next |= 4;
							if (tym < tz0)
								st_cur->next |= 2;

		while (st_cur->next == 8)
			// pop state from stack
			if (st_cur == st)
				return NULL; // nothing to pop, finish

		// push current state
		*(st_cur+1) = *st_cur;

		switch (st_cur->next)
			case 0:
				tx1 = txm;
				ty1 = tym;
				tz1 = tzm;
				node = node->getChild(a);
				(st_cur-1)->next = next_node(txm, 4, tym, 2, tzm, 1);
			case 1:
				tz0 = tzm;
				tx1 = txm;
				ty1 = tym;
				node = node->getChild(1^a);
				(st_cur-1)->next = next_node(txm, 5, tym, 3, tz1, 8);
			case 2:
				ty0 = tym;
				tx1 = txm;
				tz1 = tzm;
				node = node->getChild(2^a);
				(st_cur-1)->next = next_node(txm, 6, ty1, 8, tzm, 3);
			case 3:
				ty0 = tym;
				tz0 = tzm;
				tx1 = txm;
				node = node->getChild(3^a);
				(st_cur-1)->next = next_node(txm, 7, ty1, 8, tz1, 8);
			case 4:
				tx0 = txm;
				ty1 = tym;
				tz1 = tzm;
				node = node->getChild(4^a);
				(st_cur-1)->next = next_node(tx1, 8, tym, 6, tzm, 5);
			case 5:
				tx0 = txm;
				tz0 = tzm;
				ty1 = tym;
				node = node->getChild(5^a);
				(st_cur-1)->next = next_node(tx1, 8, tym, 7, tz1, 8);
			case 6:
				tx0 = txm;
				ty0 = tym;
				tz1 = tzm;
				node = node->getChild(6^a);
				(st_cur-1)->next = next_node(tx1, 8, ty1, 8, tzm, 7);
			case 7:
				tx0 = txm;
				ty0 = tym;
				tz0 = tzm;
				node = node->getChild(7^a);
				(st_cur-1)->next = 8;
		st_cur->next = -1;
	return nearest_shape;